🐭️ MouseHunt - Item Quantity Fix JS - Fixes the "You Own: 0" bug when viewing an item info page.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Better Mice JS - Adds an attraction rate table from MHCT, links to the MouseHunt wiki and MHCT, as well as various other features to the mouse view page.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Minluck & Catch Rate Estimate JS - View the minluck and catch rate estimate, right on the camp page.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Better Gifts / Gift Buttons JS - Adds buttons to easily accept and return all daily gifts.
🐭️ MouseHunt - No Sidebar JS - Improve your MouseHunt experience. Please only use this when the extension is not available, like on mobile.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Better Lucky Catch Icon JS - Upscales the Lucky Catch icon so it isn't so blurry.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Metric JS - Convert mice weight to metric.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Better Travel / Travel Tweaks JS - Makes the travel page better.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Taller Windows JS - Makes all the windows taller, so you can see more of the content without scrolling.
🐭️ MouseHunt - No Share Buttons JS - Remove the "Share" buttons that prompt you to share on Facebook.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Halloween Map Helper JS - Easily see and equip the cheese needed for Halloween Trick or Treat maps.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Journal Privacy JS - Hides usernames from the journal entries on the journal page.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Better Spooky Shuffle Tracker JS - Play Spooky Shuffle more easily.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Shields JS - Change your MouseHunt shield to an event shield, like the Halloween shield.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Center the Halloween shutdown message JS - Correctly centers the "The ingredients have all been harvested" message in the Halloween UI.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Fix New Year's Button Clickable Area JS - Fixes the clickable area for the New Year's Button in the HUD.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Hide Big Jaq's Big Spice Ad JS - Hides the Big Jaq banner above your journal.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Fancy King's Reward JS - Clicks the 'R###me Hunting' button after solving a King's Reward.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Ultimate Checkmark JS - Track your progress towards the "Ultimate Checkmark".
🐭️ MouseHunt - Spring Egg Hunt Helper JS - Make the Spring Egg Hunt / Eggscavator interface better.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Location Catches JS - View your mouse catches in your current location
🐭️ MouseHunt Improved JS - Improve your MouseHunt experience. Please only use this when the extension is not available.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Labyrinth HUD Enhancer JS - Enhances the Labyrinth HUD in a variety of ways.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Quick Pollutinum Refined Scoreboard Search JS - Click the barrel on the hunter profile page to quickly search the scoreboard for them.
⛏️Ironwood Idle Indicators JS - Updates the tab icon and title when an action stops.
🐭️ MouseHunt Utils JS (คลัง) - MouseHunt Utils is a library of functions that can be used to make other MouseHunt userscripts easily.
🐭️ MouseHunt Utils Beta JS (คลัง) - Testing version
MouseHunt Minlucks JS (คลัง) - Minlucks and power for MouseHunt, from Google Sheets, to power the multiple mini-CRE scripts.