[Sneedex Mark] AB Highlights 2 Stylesheet CSS - Requires AB Highlights 2 script and base styling.
[Sneedex Mark] Personal AB Highlights 2 Stylesheet CSS - Requires AB Highlights 2 script and base styling.
AB - Interactive Search Categories JS - Highlights the current categories. And preserves your search, along side any filters you might have set, when switching between "Anime" and "Music" or their subcategories on AB search.
Delicious Userscript Library JS (คลัง) - A library for userscripts on AnimeBytes which implements a settings page, among other things. Made by momentary0 on github (https://github.com/momentary0/AB-Userscripts/). I just uploaded here for use in my script since I couldn't get greasyfork to approve my require even with integrity checks.