Narrower(右键菜单) JS - narrow body margin in current webpage to make it more readable. open it in right click menu, and enter percentage of margin, that it.
bilibili快捷键 JS - a/d前进后退视频,s暂停或播放,q/e音量大小改变,t宽屏,c开关弹幕,
禁用中键自动滑动和SPACE跳跃SC029清空键 JS - 禁用中键自动滑动,和SPACE跳跃SC029清空键
Hide mouse cursor JS - when scroll webpage, the cursor automatically hide.
youtube滚轮翻视频 JS - Youtube can now use mouse scroll to forward and backward
Disable long press for touchscreen JS - Handle long tap event
YouTube搜索页和首页 视频点赞数显示 JS - Display like counts and percentage on YouTube search r###lts and homepage