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Regular Expressions Hotline (general requests for regex help)


Regular Expressions Hotline (general requests for regex help)

userscripts(-mirror).org had/has a few topics on getting help with regex strings; I couldn't find any here. (If there's any existing discussion, please let me know.)

Hope this will be helpful for general users (e.g. myself) and developers.


I'll start it off...

I'm trying to get scripts to trigger (or not) on links that are most-likely blogs or forums.

I'ld like the logic to be: "a forward-slash, followed by any of the keywords, followed by any other text".

e.g. this should catch and

I've tried several attempts, none seem to be working on this example link - http://www.hydrogenaud.io/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t48386.html


I'm using Greasemonkey 3.3 - Firefox 38.1.0esr

Can anyone help?

  • As you can see in your 2nd regexp the forward slash / in the 1st one should be escaped as \/ otherwise it denotes an end of the expression: /^\/(blog....
  • (s) this does nothing useful, so if you want to make the s optional use ?: blogs?

Use https://regex101.com to instantly see what your expression does.


Thanx alot for the help, that did the trick.

I changed the string to - this:


which does satisfy that parser.

Trouble is-- it still doesn't work.

I tried reducing the string to:


thinking the nested pipes might be hosing up things. But it still doesn't work.

But even worse than all of this, I discovered thru some testing--with a clean profile, with no other add-on than GM 3.3--that not only do these strings not work, but Global Excludes aren't triggering.

It's weird-- I tested this: /^https?:\/\/[^\/]*\.amazon\.com\// and also http://www.amazon.com/* and neither works.

So now, I'll have to go to Greasemonkey github and see if anyone has reported this; if not, I'll have to post a report of both my problems.


First if you're going to search the entire url then remove the ^ since that tries to match your regex at the very start of the url:


Like wOxxOm said regex101 is a great way to see what is actually going on: https://regex101.com/r/pM9pT5/1

I tried the global excludes and they work for me on GM 3.3. Something must be wrong on your end.


I tried the global excludes and they work for me on GM 3.3. Something must be wrong on your end.

Yes; Obviously.

First if you're going to search the entire url then remove the ^ since that tries to match your regex at the very start of the url:


Thanks a bunch, that worked spot-on.


i have this script

$('a[href^="browse.php?imdb"]:lt(5)').each( function() {
var $this = $(this);
var href = $this.attr('href').replace(/(browse\.php((\?|&)imdb\=)[0-9]*)/g,'/details\.php((\?|&)id\=)[0-9]*)\&toseeders\=1/');
$this.attr('href', href );

i want to replace for example first link "browse.php?imdb=988824" with "details.php?id=1475609&toseeders=1" from here

thank you


This should do it:

$('.tableTorrents a[href^="browse.php?imdb="]').each(function () {
$(this).attr('href', $(this).closest('tr').find('a[href^="details.php?id="]').attr('href').replace(/details\.php\?id=(\d+).*/, 'details.php?id=$1&toseeders=1'))

thank you vzjrz!!!


Thanks for Regular Expression 100
An other online tool to learn regex which work great too:
RegExr v2.0: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx - by gskinner.com

About Regexp , You can drop an eye here:
Regexp questions collected in the forum (from my Bookmarks) [forum.userstyles.org

