<h4 href=# id=H style="cursor:pointer">AUTO CLICK</h4><script>function ctrlClick(link){var event = new MouseEvent('click', {'view': window,'bubbles': true,'cancelable': true,'ctrlKey': true});return link.dispatchEvent(event);}var link = document.getElementById("H");link.addEventListener("click",function(e){alert('I am clicked with'+(e.ctrlKey?'':'out')+' CTRL')});ctrlClick(link);</script>
seems working as expected
Thank you.
I already tried that on links but I cannot get it to work. Works on buttons but not links. My main goal is to open a tab without focusing on it. FYI: I am using FireFox.
var l = document.createElement("a");l.href = "http://www.example.com";document.body.insertBefore(l, document.body.firstElementChild);ctrlClick(document.querySelector("a"));
Update: It brings up the message but it does not open the link in a new tab. Could be a security feature.I always just tried to see if it opens a tab, never placed a message in there before.
It brings up the message but it does not open the link in a new tab.
Yes, it is a security feature implemented by at least Chrome and Firefox that I know of.
That makes sense.
It brings up the message but it does not open the link in a new tab.GM_openInTab
Thanks, I raised a suggestion for it. It never cross my mind it already exists. :smile:
Simulate Ctrl+Mouse Click & Keypress Events
Below is code that simulate mouse click but without ctrl button. How do I simulate it ctrl+mouse click.
Also I am unable to get keypress to work, if anyone knows how I can get it to work, appreciate it.
Related pages:https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event