I'm not sure if this one covers the functions you want, but try out the script:
Craigslist Fusion
Which continues to be maintained as an Firefox add-on:
Craigslist Scipts
Hello all. I'm a newbie here. I have been a member of Userscripts.org for many many years. I'm not a script writer. I'm just a user. I understand some, very little, about JS. I've been using Greasemonkey for a lot of years. The biggest reason I use Greasemonkey and scripts is to change annoyances on websites and webpages. By far, as of late, the biggest annoyances I find are on Craigslist, where I spend LOT of time.
Craigslist has made a lot of changes over the past year. They changed their sorting to a default of "relevance", which I find highly annoying, since when perusing ads I believe it is most beneficial to go through the ads from most recent to oldest. Sure, they provide a button to change the sorting to "date", but the user has to do that every single time one conducts a search. I requested a script on Userscripts.org to fix this and a kindly scriptwriter helped me out with one. Now, when I search, everything is ordered by date and not relevance.
There are many more annoyances on Craigslist. I did a search on this site for "Craigslist" and there were no r###lts. Surely, some of the scriptwriters on here have the same concerns as other Craigslist users and realize that Craigslist can be improved? It would be nice for some forward thinking scriptwriters to write a few to at least get started.
One that I think needs written is for the "garage sales" category on Craigslist. Craigslist made changes in that category which now shows the current day's garage and estate sales instead of all of the ones that are still active. There isn't even a way to see the garage sales that were posted days before the current date. Evidently, Craigslist doesn't understand that most people post sales dates WELL in advance of sales. Those become inaccessible the day after they're posted. Also, they're "encrypting" phone numbers within ads to a hyperlink that needs to be clicked in order to show contact information. Just more clicking and more work. I'm sure there are many other changes that could be made to make the Craigslist searches more useful and undo some of the ridiculous changes that have been made.
I'm glad this site is here and that I've found it. Hopefully it continues to grow and what happened to Userscripts.org doesn't happen here. Thanks for starting this site.