

Player replacer and Link Fixer


Player replacer and Link Fixer

I wanna request if possible to make a base script that with some tweaks might be able to replace flash video players to a generic one that allows the video to be resized with page zoom and allows to skip part and to start buffering wherever one wants.

An the other request i wanna make is also like a base script to make it possible to replace links with other links mostly for links that use www.xxx.com/ulr=othersite.com and simmilar to make the link directly to be othersite.com

Thanks in advance.


to be able to make an alternative player takeover instead of flash requires the script to be customized on a per site basis.
2 examples are viewtube_GM and vlctube (although these are limited by using the html5 feature in browsers recently)

VLCTube is limited to youtube only and forces VLC to be substituted in using html5 as a base. https://greasyfork.org/scripts/1783-vlctube (i am not the actual author, i just help host it here)

viewtube_GM only covers specific sites such as "youtube, VIMEO, VEVO, dailymotion, metacafe, break.com, funnyordie.com and some others."
its possible the author of viewtube could add more sites upon request but thats up to him/her. https://greasyfork.org/scripts/1203-viewtube-gm

in short im just saying that a single script could not globally takeover for flash since each site uses its own customized code with the flash player as a base.

as for the other request, i would like to think that would be possible, maybe someone would be willing to try, but of course i personally don't know.


I know different sites use different css to embed the video that's why I asked for a base script that I can adapt per site to cover as many as possible that doesn't allow resize or buffering on an other time than 0.00.

I'm aware of those scripts you mentioned but those use external plugins mostly except for the html5 that is not available for all the sites.


VLCTube is unlicensed so you may use any of its code all you like if you want, goodluck ^.^
im assuming you wouldn't since it heavily relies on html5 and vlc, but its there ^.^

