I don't think this can be done by means of Greasemonkey.
See https://www.google.com/search?&q=stop+animated+gifs+in+chrome;
but as I understand, there is no perfect solution for Chrome.
There is this:
Toggle GIF Animation
Author: infocatcher
-- Need to install Custombuttons https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/custom-buttons/
600+ Buttons http://www.smileyfaze.tk/CustomButtons2%20Database.htm
More Advanced Custombuttons (some are like mini-addons) here So if it is possible to toggle on/off... then wouldn't it be possible for a greasemonkey script to load the page with animated gifs disabled, then hover image for enable?
Here is Firefox addon that does what we want: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/toggle-animated-gifs/
would it be possible to create a script that will pause any gif on a website till you hover over it?
Well, in principle it can be done by GM.
A script should reload a GIF image using XMLHttpRequest; analyse its binary code; pick the first frame and replace by it the original image; then this script should set EventListener(mousehover) that will show the original picture.
But how much time will take this operation?
Good find trespassersW.
New GifV format coming.
Please do not use www.anony.ws anymore. We cannot see the picture until registered in this crap.
New GifV format coming .. imgur-gifv-format
"Killing off animated GIFs won't be easy, though."
they will replace all gif animations to H264 movies? let's see.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I am not registered and can see the anony.ws images.
This thread Post#6 http://i.imgur.com/GoE1kPC.png
What crap?
What image hosting do you use?
Can you show a screenshot of what you see on this thread Post#6 ?
Here are screenshots of post#6
(I suspect they don't like my IP)
Sorry about this for you trespassersW. I can see it being annoying for you.
● You are on PaleMoon.
● Your IP... a proxy?
● Is problem occurring only on GreasyFork or also...
userstyles https://forum.userstyles.org/discussion/43873/excellent-thankyou-hideheader
custombuttons Post#1 where it says "Test button with this:" http://custombuttons.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=917&sid=7a861ddac22ff5a0d3ce8a828c3e8644?
I see this http://i.imgur.com/vYlPDhq.png
● I wonder if others see it and it is only you not seeing it... or it is only me seeing it.
● I wonder if you accidentally checkmarked this in 'View Image Info' http://i.imgur.com/AKX1dh0.png
● Maybe Jason knows why.
I figured it out. Anony.ws uses CloudFlare service that is tuned to protect itself from Russian Hackers. Judging from my IP, I Russian, hence I hacker.
ps: CloudFlare in itself is good, the problem is in the settings
I don't know how you figured it out.... but good detective work trespassersW !
So does this mean that you have made adjustments and my using Anony is okay for you now?
Do you see my two anony images in this post now?
Do you see my two anony images in this post now?
Please forgive me for the belated reply. No, I don't see images in your post. All I see is image text. It's quite difficult to figure out that you should right-click this text then select view image item to register on the image hoster site.
Pause gifs till hover
Just as the title says, would it be possible to create a script that will pause any gif on a website till you hover over it? thanks! P.S; I am running chrome 38 (stable).