Google - Multiple columns of r###lts, Remove "Sponsored Links", Number r###lts, Auto-load more r###lts, Remove web search dialogues, Open external links in a new tab, self updating and all configurable from a simple user dialogue.
< 脚本GoogleMonkeyR (update by Roxz)的反馈
Noticed that too, around the same time as you. Is anyone able to fix this awesome script?
To elaborate, when it's enabled the search r###lts flash for a second, then disappear.
Interestingly enough the exact same script line for line works on another pc but not on the one i'm on.
Hello, I made a change to the script that solved the problem for me. Tested on Firefox 39.
Click my link below to install automatically:
Or if you want to do it manually, find this line:
var list = document.getElementsByXPath("//div[@id='ires']//li[contains(@class,'g')] | //div[@id='ires']//li/div[@class='g']");
and replace it with this line:
var list = document.getElementsByXPath("//div[@id='ires']//li[contains(@class,'g')] | //div[@id='ires']//li/div[@class='g'] | //div[@id='ires']//div[@class='g']");
Here's a preview image:
Edit: Oh, I also made an additional change from Boltex' last revision of this script (mentioned in the 1.7.2 changelog). The change makes it so the search r###lts should scale according to window width. If you'd like to try it out, find this line:
style += ("hr.rgsep { margin: 0 -15px 16px; } {padding: 0 !important} #cnt.singleton #center_col, #cnt.singleton #foot, .mw {width:1240px !important;} #rhs {left:auto !important; position:absolute}#botstuff .sp_cnt,#botstuff .ssp, #ires{display:none} .s{max-width:98%!important;} .vshid{display:inline} .ab_dropdown ul{list-style:none} #GTR *{white-space:none!important} #GTR{border-spacing:5px} #rcnt .col:nth-of-type(3){width:100%!important} #rcnt .col:nth-of-type(4){float: none; right: 0px; top: -140px; width:100% !important}");
and replace with:
style += ("#cnt.singleton #center_col, #cnt.singleton #foot, .mw {width:auto !important; max-width:100% !important;} #rhs {left:auto !important; position:absolute}#botstuff .sp_cnt,#botstuff .ssp, #ires{display:none} .s{max-width:98%!important;} .vshid{display:inline} .ab_dropdown ul{list-style:none} #GTR *{white-space:normal!important} #GTR{border-spacing:5px} #rcnt .col:nth-of-type(3){width:100%!important} #rcnt .col:nth-of-type(4){float: none; right: 0px; top: -140px; width:100% !important}");
This change is already included in my download above.
Sorry :
Your fix not working for me ...
I tested
- on 2 different profiles with firefox39 / win7 too.
- revert to the original style without any r###lts.
I see the GoogleMonkeyR settings and can check that i want (nbr of column, autolad).
But when i go to the google , it seems it load the r###lts very quicly without displaying them..
As for r###lts the captcha secuity form from google....
I hope you find the solution and for this time I go to use DucDuckGo .
I you want a multicolumn r###lts page with it , try my userstyles:
Works for me using Safari and JS Blocker 5. Thanks!
I just made the manual changes, since I don't need Boltex's changes and prefer a fixed with border.
@decembre My change doesn't fix the autoload feature, but it should work with autoload disabled. Since I don't use autoload and initially was just fixing this script for myself, I didn't think to check that feature.
If I have time I'll try to figure it out.
Edit: Autoload should be fixed. Or at least it works on my set up.
Download new version here:
Or change manually this line:
var list = document.getElementsByXPath(".//div[@id='ires']/ol/div[starts-with(@class,'srg')]/li", nextR###lt);
to this line:
var list = document.getElementsByXPath(".//div[@id='ires']/ol/div[starts-with(@class,'srg')]/li | //div[@id='ires']//div[@class='g'] | //div[@id='ires']//li[contains(@class,'g')]", nextR###lt);
Thanx alot, works flawlessly
Yes, It WORK for me too :
Thanks !
The version works for me. With the link to the install script here: < > I appreciate your efforts.
On a side-note, just wondering if the script can work to format which is created by and pulls search r###lts, but uses proxies to hide the users ip address. It's potentially safer to use than going straight to I tried to add the @include for but that didn't seem to do the trick. Any thoughts?
@Bryan “Ironman” Stark
Viewing the page source for a search r###lt, even though they pull r###lts from Google, the webpage is formatted differently.
For example, you may note the primary change I made to the script to get it working again was to tell it to look for divs labeled class='g' (this apparently is what the search r###lts are contained in). Then the script does whatever magic it does with that data and displays the information as seen. search r###lts aren't label class='g' or any of the stuff the script is looking for. They seem to be labeled class='r###lt', but adding that in the script does nothing, so I'm sure the rabbit hole goes a lot further...
Thanks for taking a quick look and giving me a good explanation.
@Kilvoctu Many thanx for your work. It seems to be the last working script of its kind.
@Kilvoctu broken again,google changed code,hope you can fix it
Not working at all
I guess google changed the scripts cuz this doesn't work today