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Google Cache Highlight Search Query Terms for HTTPS

Restore highlighted search terms in Google cache for secure searches. For Firefox+Violentmonkey or Chrome+Tampermonkey. v0.6.6 2023-06-19

< 脚本Google Cache Highlight Search Query Terms for HTTPS的反馈

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Bug since this mornig.

The script no longer work for me, I tried the script on a new profile too and same r###lts.

If I want to open the "Cache" link/page it give me a warning redirection warning http://i.imgur.com/93f5mTH.png and if I follow the cache page I have the "regular" page with nothing highlighted ---> http://i.imgur.com/dgbY911.png

If I disable the script I have no longer any redirection and go straight to the "plain" google cache page.



Also I have a question (not about this script) for you Jefferson, since you seem to have a very good knowledge of google search. I tried to find an answer for a bug/annoyance since few days and I'm not able to find any fix for that.

When I use the advanced search with a custom range date for the search (using the calendar with mouse for the selection) Google give a bad date format on his own search ????

The only thing I've found on the web about it is this link https://www.seroundtable.com/google-news-date-bug-14480.html from 2011... so it seem a pretty old bug/annoyance ! :( The link show the bug on a video and describe it a lot better than I do ;-)

Do you think you can do a small script to fix the "date format" automatically in the date range advanced search option ?

Thanks a lot for all your Timesaver Scripts ????????????


Hi Mikhoul, what was the address of the search r###lts page you started from? I want to see whether I get the same r###lt.

Also, could you try changing the HTTPS setting if that is turned on? https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/1681-google-cache-highlight-search-query-terms-for-https#additional-info

Regarding the date format, I live in an mm/dd/yyyy country and as long as I use a four-digit year, it seems to work fine. However, I have heard about problems before with some confusion on the Google r###lts page with dd/mm/yyyy dates. I'm not sure of the best solution but I could test using your r###lts page link.


Thanks for the quick reply Jefferson.

Here's a search URL https://www.google.ca/search?q=auto&gws_rd=ssl

"USE HTTPS" setting was active and I tried to disable it and when it was disabled I did not receive the redirection warning but there was no word highlighted.

Also for your other script I don't see the "block" button http://i.imgur.com/WqBGypP.png even if it seem enabled.

Here's a screencast to show you better: http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cojiYef4b1


For the date format "bug" I see it seem related to the country...

I see lot of complaint from various users around the world about this annoyance but no real practical solution.

I'm located in Canada and my main language is French.

Here's a screenshot of the bug, the RED color entry is the wrong format picked with the mouse and the Green is the good entered manually. http://i.imgur.com/KyTkFI9.png

May be a script could parse the Field "From" and the field "To:" to check if the format is the a "valid" format and if not it change it to YEARS-Month-Day ?

Thanks a lot for the quick reply ! 8-)


I was not able to replicate the problem with either Google Hit Hider buttons or the cached link. I noticed you get localized r###lts (map and places r###lts) which I do not get, and that might have something to do with it.

But the bigger mystery is that your En cache link is running through the tracking link (google.ca/url?) instead of loading the cached page directly (see attached fifth image). I haven't seen that before and do not see that on my visit (see attached sixth image).

The way the tracking link is added to the main r###lt link is to add an onmousedown event handler into the link, but I don't see such a handler when I visit the page. Maybe Google is experimenting on you??

Could you post the "modified" HTML source of the whole r###lts area below the navigation buttons? The easiest way is to select all by pressing Ctrl+a, then right-click > View Selection Source. In the source viewer, it should be tightly packed HTML and style rules that go on forever. As shown in the seventh attached image, use Find (Ctrl+f) to look for this:


Then select from the which precedes that all the way to the bottom of the document, and paste into http://pastebin.com/ (no registration required), save the page, and post the new link back here.


I found the culprit for the 2 add-ons with you tips about tracking link, it was this add-on https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/google-search-link-fix/ that was incompatible.

I think it was installed from one of my old computer that I put in sync with Firefox this week, that's why it was working and suddenly stop .

Sorry for the "false" bug... ;-)

Do you think you could "fix" the annoying "date format" bug for foreign users ?

Best Regards and thanks again for your quick reply.

Here's a screenshot of the bug, the RED color entry is the wrong format picked with the mouse and the Green is the good entered manually. http://i.imgur.com/KyTkFI9.png

It's strange, the date picker works when the language is English but is broken when the language is French. I think one approach would be to attach a mouseover event to the "Aller" button that would fix the dates right before you click. Trying to fix it later would, I think, be too complicated. But this probably is a subject for a different thread.

You might want to request it here since I don't know how soon I'll look back in on it: https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/categories/script-requests


Thanks a lot I will request it on the right forum, it's very strange that Google did not fix it many years ago, it will take them 15 minutes ;-)

