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Remove anti-adblock, ads, popups and timer waits, and show direct download link

< 脚本openload的反馈

评价:好评 - 脚本运行良好


<3 <3 <3 Improvement proposal with automatic translation o:)

I propose translating your script with something like that:

const AcceptLngs = [ 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'pt', 'pt-BR', 'ru' ];
//[ °°° SECTION LANGUAGES MAP °°° ]         If you add new languages in the `LANGUAGES MAP`, add them in the var `AcceptLngs` too (see above). Keep the schema, !important for the future
//  new line with `\n` and escaping special charactere with `\` (except for downloaderHotkey and fixmeGM).
const _getI18nMap = {  // Default lng is 'en' if no supported in AcceptLngs
en: {
downloading: 'Downloading', hereIsTheLink: 'Here is the link' },
de: {
downloading: 'Herunterladen', hereIsTheLink: 'Hier ist der Link' },
es: {
downloading: 'Descargan', hereIsTheLink: 'Aqui esta el link' },
fr: {
downloading: 'Téléchargement', hereIsTheLink: 'Voici le lien' },
it: {
downloading: 'Scaricamento', hereIsTheLink: 'Ecco il link' },
pt: {
downloading: 'Baixar', hereIsTheLink: 'Aqui está o link' },
'pt-BR': {
downloading: 'Baixar', hereIsTheLink: 'Aqui está o link' },
ru: {
downloading: 'Загрузка', hereIsTheLink: 'Ссылка здесь' }
//[ °°° SECTION BROWSER °°° ]
const nav = window.navigator, navLng = nav.language||nav.browserLanguage||nav.userLanguage;
var L10n = navLng;  // Keep `var` !important
!function setLng() {
(function isLngDispo() {
if (function checkLng() {
AcceptLngs.indexOf(L10n) < -1 && (L10n = L10n);
}(), -1 === AcceptLngs.indexOf(L10n)) L10n = L10n.substring(0, 2);
})(), -1 === AcceptLngs.indexOf(L10n) && (L10n = 'en');                    // If L10n not supported, default 'en';
const translate = _getI18nMap[L10n];          // Now, use translate.whatYouWant ( better than translate[whatYouWant] ).

This come from my contribution for Deezer:D➲wnloader [Revived]

and then, use (A solution by @AHOHNMYC ) :

$(streamurl).text() != translate.hereIsTheLink.toUpperCase() &&

Hello @K-mik@Z, first of all thank you for your proposal. Currently the Openload's interface is only available in English, so it seems unnecessary and even rare to translate this script. Note also that it is a lot of code for a single-phrase translation, as there is only one sentence to translate, and this is added only in the embedded player: "FREE DOWNLOAD". In the future, if the Openload's interface is translated, I will adjust the script with your proposal. Best regards.

