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IMDb Full Summary

Automatically show the full plot summary on IMDb

< 脚本IMDb Full Summary的反馈

评价:一般 - 脚本能用,但还有一些问题


I've been using this script for years, and it worked perfectly. But sadly it doesn't work anymore since the latest design changes in Imdb title pages. I hope you can update the script so it can work again as it used to. Thank you very much in advance. I also use some of your other scripts and they are all very good.


P.S: As an example, take this link to a movie with a long summary, which is supposed to be shown in its full length, but is not:



AFAIK, it's no longer needed since the summaries are no longer truncated and haven't been for years. Do you have an example where this is not the case?

By the way, GitHub is the best place to report bugs.


AFAIK, it's no longer needed since the summaries are no longer truncated and haven't been for years. Do you have an example where this is not the case?

By the way, GitHub is the best place to report bugs.

I've just put the example in the previous message.

Even in the new Imdb design, summaries are still truncated when they are very long. And it's annoying since the "Read all" link, takes you to another full page only to show the whole summary.



Should be fixed in the latest release (v2.0.0).


Hello, I am very grateful that you have taken my request into consideration. But I updated the script and unfortunately it still doesn't work, at least for me. In the code viewer inside Tampermonkey it shows "eslint: null - Parsing Error: Unexpected token." (line 22) and the Console also seems to show an error (I attach both screenshots). I hope you can fix it and thank you very much in advance.


That's a Tampermonkey bug, which should have been fixed in v4.13. I can't reproduce it in Tampermonkey for Firefox v4.13.6136. Make sure you're using the latest version of Tampermonkey.

Also, I've updated the script to support small/medium and large layouts in v2.1.0 (rather than just extra large), so you can try that, although it doesn't look like that's the issue.


Sadly it still doesn't work for me. I'm using latest Tampermonkey 4.13, but a little outdated version of Chrome browser, could that be the problem? Which version of Chrome does the script need to run properly?


Please raise an issue for this on GitHub, providing the details requested here.


Tested your script.
On Firefox Quantum + Tampermonkey:
Work like charm on the new layout.

It's the same for the old layout ?

But it seems not work with Waterfox Classic with Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey ?

