Persistently disable/re-enable custom subreddit styles via a userscript command
< 脚本Reddit Toggle Custom CSS的反馈
How would you know which subreddits have themes to enable if you disabled them by default?
I suppose I could add this as an option if this was an addon, but there's no nice way of adding a preference page for userscripts.
However, you can do it yourself by editing the script (e.g. by clicking the script's edit button in Violentmonkey) and changing the line that reads:
const disableCss = GM_getValue(SUBREDDIT, false)
const disableCss = GM_getValue(SUBREDDIT, true)
You may need to reload the page for the change to take effect.
Note: if you're logged in, you can disable custom styles by default via: Preferences
-> display options
-> allow subreddits to show me custom themes
, but Reddit doesn't provide a built-in way to toggle them back on on a per-subreddit basis.
I've just pushed a new version (1.2.0) with a separate value for the default state, so you can change it by replacing:
const DISABLE_CSS = false
const DISABLE_CSS = true
Toggling the style on should now take effect immediately.
Enable by default?
Instead of the toggle, can this script disable custom CSS by default?