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Mark Watched YouTube Videos

Add an indicator for watched videos on YouTube. Use GM menus to display history statistics, backup history, and restore/merge history.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Mark Watched YouTube Videos
// @namespace   MarkWatchedYouTubeVideos
// @version     1.4.63
// @license     AGPL v3
// @author      jcunews
// @description Add an indicator for watched videos on YouTube. Use GM menus to display history statistics, backup history, and restore/merge history.
// @website     https://greasyfork.org/en/users/85671-jcunews
// @match       *://www.youtube.com/*
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       unsafeWindow
// @run-at      document-start
// ==/UserScript==
- Use ALT+LeftClick or ALT+RightClick on a video list item to manually toggle the watched marker. The mouse button is defined in the script and can be changed.
- For restoring/merging history, source file can also be a YouTube's history data JSON (downloadable from https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/3024190?hl=en). Or a list of YouTube video URLs (using current time as timestamps).
(() => {
//=== config start ===
var maxWatchedVideoAge   = 10 * 365; //number of days. set to zero to disable (not recommended)
var contentLoadMarkDelay = 600;      //number of milliseconds to wait before marking video items on content load phase (increase if slow network/browser)
var markerMouseButtons   = [0, 1];   //one or more mouse buttons to use for manual marker toggle. 0=left, 1=right, 2=middle. e.g.:
//if `[0]`, only left button is used, which is ALT+LeftClick.
//if `[1]`, only right button is used, which is ALT+RightClick.
//if `[0,1]`, any left or right button can be used, which is: ALT+LeftClick or ALT+RightClick.
//=== config end ===
watchedVideos, ageMultiplier = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, xu = /(?:\/watch(?:\?|.*?&)v=|\/embed\/)([^\/\?&]+)|\/shorts\/([^\/\?]+)/,
querySelector = Element.prototype.querySelector, querySelectorAll = Element.prototype.querySelectorAll;
function getVideoId(url) {
var vid = url.match(xu);
if (vid) vid = vid[1] || vid[2];
return vid;
function watched(vid) {
return !!watchedVideos.entries[vid];
function processVideoItems(selector) {
var items = document.querySelectorAll(selector), i, link;
for (i = items.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (link = querySelector.call(items[i], "A")) {
if (watched(getVideoId(link.href))) {
} else items[i].classList.remove("watched");
function processAllVideoItems() {
//home page
#contents.ytd-rich-shelf-renderer ytd-rich-item-renderer.ytd-rich-shelf-renderer,
#contents.ytd-rich-grid-renderer>ytd-rich-grid-row ytd-rich-grid-media`);
//subscriptions page
//history:watch page
processVideoItems(`ytd-section-list-renderer[page-subtype="history"] .ytd-item-section-renderer>ytd-video-renderer`);
//channel/user home page
#items>.yt-horizontal-list-renderer`); //old
#contents>.ytd-shelf-renderer>#grid-container>.ytd-expanded-shelf-contents-renderer`); //new
//channel/user video page
//channel/user shorts page
ytd-rich-item-renderer ytd-rich-grid-slim-media`);
//channel/user playlist page
//channel/user playlist item page
.pl-video-list .pl-video-table .pl-video,
//channel/user search page
if (/^\/(?:(?:c|channel|user)\/)?.*?\/search/.test(location.pathname)) {
processVideoItems(`.ytd-browse #contents>.ytd-item-section-renderer`); //new
//search page
#r###lts>.section-list .item-section>li,
#browse-items-primary>.browse-list-item-container`); //old
.ytd-search #contents>ytd-video-renderer,
.ytd-search #contents>ytd-playlist-renderer,
.ytd-search #items>ytd-video-renderer`); //new
//video page
.playlist-videos-container>.playlist-videos-list>li`); //old
.ytd-compact-radio-renderer`); //new
function addHistory(vid, time, noSave, i) {
if (!watchedVideos.entries[vid]) {
} else {
i = watchedVideos.index.indexOf(vid);
if (i >= 0) watchedVideos.index.push(watchedVideos.index.splice(i, 1)[0])
watchedVideos.entries[vid] = time;
if (!noSave) GM_setValue("watchedVideos", JSON.stringify(watchedVideos));
function delHistory(index, noSave) {
delete watchedVideos.entries[watchedVideos.index[index]];
watchedVideos.index.splice(index, 1);
if (!noSave) GM_setValue("watchedVideos", JSON.stringify(watchedVideos));
var dc, ut;
function parseData(s, a, i, j, z) {
try {
dc = false;
s = JSON.parse(s);
//convert to new format if old format.
//old: [{id:<strVID>, timestamp:<numDate>}, ...]
//new: {entries:{<stdVID>:<numDate>, ...}, index:[<strVID>, ...]}
if (Array.isArray(s) && (!s.length || (("object" === typeof s[0]) && s[0].id && s[0].timestamp))) {
a = s;
s = {entries: {}, index: []};
a.forEach(o => {
s.entries[o.id] = o.timestamp;
} else if (("object" !== typeof s) || ("object" !== typeof s.entries) || !Array.isArray(s.index)) return null;
//reconstruct index if broken
if (s.index.length !== (a = Object.keys(s.entries)).length) {
s.index = a.map(k => [k, s.entries[k]]).sort((x, y) => x[1] - y[1]).map(v => v[0]);
dc = true;
return s;
} catch(z) {
return null;
function parseYouTubeData(s, a) {
try {
s = JSON.parse(s);
//convert to native format if YouTube format.
//old: [{titleUrl:<strUrl>, time:<strIsoDate>}, ...] (excludes irrelevant properties)
//new: {entries:{<stdVID>:<numDate>, ...}, index:[<strVID>, ...]}
if (Array.isArray(s) && (!s.length || (("object" === typeof s[0]) && s[0].titleUrl && s[0].time))) {
a = s;
s = {entries: {}, index: []};
a.forEach((o, m, t) => {
if (o.titleUrl && (m = o.titleUrl.match(xu))) {
if (isNaN(t = (new Date(o.time)).getTime())) t = (new Date()).getTime();
s.entries[m[1] || m[2]] = t;
s.index.push(m[1] || m[2]);
return s;
} else return null;
} catch(a) {
return null;
function mergeData(o, a) {
o.index.forEach(i => {
if (watchedVideos.entries[i]) {
if (watchedVideos.entries[i] < o.entries[i]) watchedVideos.entries[i] = o.entries[i];
} else watchedVideos.entries[i] = o.entries[i];
a = Object.keys(watchedVideos.entries);
watchedVideos.index = a.map(k => [k, watchedVideos.entries[k]]).sort((x, y) => x[1] - y[1]).map(v => v[0]);
function getHistory(a, b) {
a = GM_getValue("watchedVideos");
if (a === undefined) {
a = '{"entries": {}, "index": []}';
} else if ("object" === typeof a) a = JSON.stringify(a);
if (b = parseData(a)) {
watchedVideos = b;
if (dc) b = JSON.stringify(b);
} else b = JSON.stringify(watchedVideos = {entries: {}, index: []});
GM_setValue("watchedVideos", b);
function doProcessPage() {
//get list of watched videos
//remove old watched video history
var now = (new Date()).valueOf(), changed, vid;
if (maxWatchedVideoAge > 0) {
while (watchedVideos.index.length) {
if (((now - watchedVideos.entries[watchedVideos.index[0]]) / ageMultiplier) > maxWatchedVideoAge) {
delHistory(0, false);
changed = true;
} else break;
if (changed) GM_setValue("watchedVideos", JSON.stringify(watchedVideos));
//check and remember current video
if ((vid = getVideoId(location.href)) && !watched(vid)) addHistory(vid, now);
//mark watched videos
function processPage() {
setTimeout(doProcessPage, Math.floor(contentLoadMarkDelay / 2));
function delayedProcessPage() {
setTimeout(doProcessPage, contentLoadMarkDelay);
function toggleMarker(ele, i) {
if (ele) {
if (!ele.href && (i = ele.closest('a'))) ele = i;
if (ele.href) {
i = getVideoId(ele.href);
} else {
while (ele) {
while (ele && (!ele.__data || !ele.__data.data || !ele.__data.data.videoId)) ele = ele.__dataHost || ele.parentNode;
if (ele) {
i = ele.__data.data.videoId;
if (i) {
if ((ele = watchedVideos.index.indexOf(i)) >= 0) {
} else addHistory(i, (new Date()).valueOf());
var rxListUrl = /\/\w+_ajax\?|\/r###lts\?search_query|\/v1\/(browse|next|search)\?/;
var xhropen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open, xhrsend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, url) {
this.url_mwyv = url;
return xhropen.apply(this, arguments);
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function(method, url) {
if (rxListUrl.test(this.url_mwyv) && !this.listened_mwyv) {
this.listened_mwyv = 1;
this.addEventListener("load", delayedProcessPage);
return xhrsend.apply(this, arguments);
var fetch_ = unsafeWindow.fetch;
unsafeWindow.fetch = function(opt) {
let url = opt.url || opt;
if (rxListUrl.test(opt.url || opt)) {
return fetch_.apply(this, arguments).finally(delayedProcessPage);
} else return fetch_.apply(this, arguments);
var nac = unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.appendChild;
unsafeWindow.Node.prototype.appendChild = function(e) {
var z;
if ((this.tagName === "BODY") && (e?.tagName === "IFRAME")) {
var r = nac.apply(this, arguments);
try {
if (/^about:blank\b/.test(e.contentWindow.location.href)) e.contentWindow.fetch = fetch
} catch(z) {}
return r
} else return nac.apply(this, arguments)
var to = {createHTML: s => s}, tp = window.trustedTypes?.createPolicy ? trustedTypes.createPolicy("", to) : to, html = s => tp.createHTML(s);
addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", sty => {
sty = document.createElement("STYLE");
sty.innerHTML = html(`
.watched:not(ytd-thumbnail):not(.details):not(.metadata), .watched .yt-ui-ellipsis
{ outline: .2em solid #aca; border-radius: 1em; background-color: #cec !important }
html[dark] .watched:not(ytd-thumbnail):not(.details):not(.metadata), html[dark] .watched .yt-ui-ellipsis,
.playlist-videos-container>.playlist-videos-list>li.watched .yt-ui-ellipsis
{ outline: .2em solid #040; border-radius: 1em; background-color: #030 !important }`);
var nde = Node.prototype.dispatchEvent;
Node.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(ev) {
if (ev.type === "yt-service-request-completed") {
ut = setTimeout(doProcessPage, contentLoadMarkDelay / 2)
return nde.apply(this, arguments)
var lastFocusState = document.hasFocus();
addEventListener("blur", () => {
lastFocusState = false;
addEventListener("focus", () => {
if (!lastFocusState) processPage();
lastFocusState = true;
addEventListener("click", (ev) => {
if ((markerMouseButtons.indexOf(ev.button) >= 0) && ev.altKey) {
}, true);
if (markerMouseButtons.indexOf(1) >= 0) {
addEventListener("contextmenu", (ev) => {
if (ev.altKey) toggleMarker(ev.target);
if (window["body-container"]) { //old
addEventListener("spfdone", processPage);
} else { //new
var t = 0;
function pl() {
t = setTimeout(processPage, 300);
(function init(vm) {
if (vm = document.getElementById("visibility-monitor")) {
vm.addEventListener("viewport-load", pl);
} else setTimeout(init, 100);
(function init2(mh) {
if (mh = document.getElementById("masthead")) {
mh.addEventListener("yt-rendererstamper-finished", pl);
} else setTimeout(init2, 100);
addEventListener("load", delayedProcessPage);
addEventListener("spfprocess", delayedProcessPage);
GM_registerMenuCommand("Display History Statistics", () => {
function sum(r, v) {
return r + v;
function avg(arr, cnt) {
arr = Object.values(arr);
cnt = cnt || arr?.length;
return arr?.length ? Math.round(arr.reduce(sum, 0) / cnt) : "(n/a)";
var t0 = Infinity, t1 = -Infinity, d0 = Infinity, d1 = -Infinity, ld = {}, e0, e1, o0, o1, sp, ad, am, ay;
Object.keys(watchedVideos.entries).forEach((k, t, a) => {
t = new Date(watchedVideos.entries[k]);
a = t.getTime();
if (a < t0) t0 = a;
if (a > t1) t1 = a;
a = Math.floor(a / 86400000);
if (a < d0) d0 = a;
if (a > d1) d1 = a;
ld[a] = (ld[a] || 0) + 1;
d1 -= d0 - 1;
if (watchedVideos.index.length) {
e0 = (o0 = new Date(t0)).toLocaleString();
e1 = (o1 = new Date(t1)).toLocaleString();
t1 = o1.getFullYear() - o0.getFullYear();
if ((t0 = o1.getMonth() - o0.getMonth()) < 0) {
t0 += 12;
if ((d0 = o1.getDate() - o0.getDate()) < 0) {
d0 += 30;
if (--t0 < 0) {
t0 += 12;
t1 --
sp = `${t1} years ${t0} months ${d0} days (${d1} days total)`;
ad = avg(ld, d1);
am = avg(ld, d1 / 30);
ay = avg(ld, d1 / 365);
} else e0 = e1 = sp = ad = am = ay = "(n/a)";
Number of entries: ${watchedVideos.index.length}
Oldest entry: ${e0}
Newest entry: ${e1}
Time span: ${sp}
Average viewed videos per day: ${ad}
Average viewed videos per month: ${am}
Average viewed videos per year: ${ay}
History data size: ${JSON.stringify(watchedVideos).length} bytes\
GM_registerMenuCommand("Backup History Data", (a, b) => {
document.body.appendChild(a = document.createElement("A")).href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(watchedVideos)], {type: "application/json"}));
a.download = `MarkWatchedYouTubeVideos_${(new Date()).toISOString()}.json`;
GM_registerMenuCommand("Restore History Data", (a, b) => {
function askRestore(o) {
if (confirm(`Selected history data file contains ${o.index.length} entries.\n\nRestore from this data?`)) {
if (mwyvrhm_ujs.checked) {
} else watchedVideos = o;
GM_setValue("watchedVideos", JSON.stringify(watchedVideos));
if (window.mwyvrh_ujs) return;
(a = document.createElement("DIV")).id = "mwyvrh_ujs";
a.innerHTML = html(`<style>
margin:auto;border:.3rem solid #007;border-radius:.3rem;padding:.5rem .5em;background-color:#fff;cursor:auto;
#mwyvrhmc_ujs{margin:.5em 0 1em 0;text-align:center}
#mwyvrhi_ujs{display:block;margin:1rem auto .5rem auto;overflow:hidden}
<div id="mwyvrhb_ujs">
<div id="mwyvrht_ujs">Mark Watched YouTube Videos</div>
Please select a file to restore history data from.
<div id="mwyvrhmc_ujs"><label><input id="mwyvrhm_ujs" type="checkbox" checked /> Merge history data instead of replace.</label></div>
<input id="mwyvrhi_ujs" type="file" multiple />
a.onclick = e => {
(e.target === a) && a.remove();
(b = querySelector.call(a, "#mwyvrhi_ujs")).onchange = r => {
r = new FileReader();
r.onload = (o, t) => {
if (o = parseData(r = r.r###lt)) { //parse as native format
if (o.index.length) {
} else alert("File doesn't contain any history entry.");
} else if (o = parseYouTubeData(r)) { //parse as YouTube format
if (o.index.length) {
} else alert("File doesn't contain any history entry.");
} else { //parse as URL list
o = {entries: {}, index: []};
t = (new Date()).getTime();
r = r.replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n");
while (r.length && !r[0].trim()) r.shift();
if (r.length && xu.test(r[0])) {
r.forEach(s => {
if (s = s.match(xu)) {
o.entries[s[1] || s[2]] = t;
o.index.push(s[1] || s[2]);
if (o.index.length) {
} else alert("File doesn't contain any history entry.");
} else alert("Invalid history data file.");