Greasy Fork is available in English.
Add an indicator for watched videos on YouTube. Use GM menus to display history statistics, backup history, and restore/merge history.
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
Include watched embedded YouTube videos into history
Update for site changes. YouTube sneak in from the other bridge. So we boobytrapped that bridge too.
Update to workaround the new one-sided anti-content-control "trusted" CSP policy (sic)
Fixed history statistics calculation for average viewed video count (hopefully). Added time span of the watch history. Changed maximum age of watched video in history from 5 years to 10 years.
Fix manual toggle watched marker due to site changes
Fixed marker no longer work on video items shown in channel/user search page, due to site changes
Fine tune marking of rounded-cornered video list item
Added history data size display to statistics. Update for rounded-cornered video list items.
Added support to mark video items in the new user/channel "SHORTS" tab
Bugfixed a typo in the code which caused videos on "load more" list are nor marked.
Bugfix for previous update
Update to support older browsers which don't yet support JavaScript optional chaining feature
Update due to site changes: markers failed to be applied; broken marker toggling
Fixed video items on Recommended page (i.e. home page) failed no longer marked due to site changes
Added support for short videos (whose URL uses "shorts" instead of "watch").
Increased reliability of video marking on page scroll.
Fixed video items added when scrolling page were not reliably marked.