Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo
Just another question:
how to use "+" or "-" keys without affecting the Volume of the video ?
I'm not sure. That's why the defaults are what they are: to avoid conflicting with other controls (I bound it to the document body so you could use them without having to explicitly focus the video). I thought I changed speed down and up to ; '
because I didn't want it to override the default behavior for , .
(frame stepping).
Perhaps you could try your luck with "undoing" the volume change. Here's how it works: The HTML Video element has a property 'volume' that is a number between 0 (mute) and 1 (full). I could not reproduce your -/+ volume change on my end, but using up/down caused a volume change of 5%. So on the speed down function, you would add something like video_el.volume += 0.05;
, and vice versa for speed up. Putting these immediately after the call to dispatchEvent()
should suffice.
@janvier56 said: Just another question: how to use "+" or "-" keys without affecting the Volume of the video ?
Upon further investigation, yeah, I can't reproduce the volume changing behavior, so it's not going into upstream. I will, however, push the new default controls, since it does seem more reasonable than what I had. I also hacked together a mod that changes the volume in accordance with the suggestion I gave. Here you go:
["-", "Speed Down", function(ev){
return false;
if(typeof video_el !== "undefined" && typeof video_el.volume === "number")
video_el.volume = Math.min(video_el.volume + 0.05, 1.0);
(buttons.selected || buttons.head)
.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));
["+", "Speed Up", function(ev){
return false;
if(typeof video_el !== "undefined" && typeof video_el.volume === "number")
video_el.volume = Math.max(video_el.volume - 0.05, 0);
(buttons.selected || buttons.head)
.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));
As described earlier, it changes the volume in the opposite direction, in effect "undoing" the volume change caused by hitting - +
Video Speed Buttons: Request for KeyBoard Controls change...
Very fine script!
Just a Request:
Change Key Contols (Because on my Keyboard these contols are more practical and intuitive):
"-", "Speed Down" (old ",")
"+", "Speed Up" (old ".")
"*", "Reset Speed" (old "=")
const keyboard_controls = [
["-", "Speed Down", function(ev){
return false;
(buttons.selected || buttons.head)
.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));
["+", "Speed Up", function(ev){
return false;
(buttons.selected || buttons.head)
.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));
["*", "Reset Speed", function(ev){
let selbtn = buttons.head;
let r###lt = null;
return false;
while(selbtn !== null && r###lt === null)
if(selbtn.speed === DEFAULT_SPEED)
r###lt = selbtn;
selbtn =;
if(r###lt === null)
r###lt = buttons.head;
r###lt.el.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click"));
["?", "Show Help", function(ev){
let infobox;
return false;
(infobox = Infobox(container))
.log("Keyboard Controls (click to close)
keyboard_controls.forEach(function([key, description]){
infobox.log(` [${key}] ${description}