This is a userscript that will download multi episodes form KissAnime.
OMG!! Thanks bro. We all greatly appreciate the help. You are the true OG. Cannot thank you enough.
Wahahahahahaha my Pleasure to help bro BTW whats the meaning og OG?
just logged in to say thank you dude. OG = "Original Gangster" but people just use it to compliment someone who's a bro.
Hey Dude, first of all, thank you for keeping this script alive,and just Curious, i installed the script and everything is working thing but the the actual download button isn't there, am i missing something?
You are amazing, thank you. :)
MrMCMXCIX Make another Script bro and Copy the Code Maybe that well help bro :D :D
Phileo ahhh now i know :D :D Thnx bro
Sam Hart Thnx bro :D
@gef I'm Still getting nothing dude, tried it a few times now. It appears for maybe a half second then goes back to what i posted before
I also Tried it on Firefox but it was the same, it was there for about a half second then gone
Use rapid bro :D :smile:
Doesn't work anymore
Got it Bro just Modified it and now its Working :D :D