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Disable YouTube Video Ads

Disable YouTube video & screen based ads at home page, and right before or in the middle of the main video playback. Also disable YouTube's anti-adblocker popup dialog. For new YouTube layout (Polymer) only.

过滤:最近 30 日 最近 365 日 所有时间





日期 安装次数 更新检查总次数
2025-02-21 3 1,816
2025-02-22 7 1,711
2025-02-23 9 1,746
2025-02-24 6 1,853
2025-02-25 1 1,888
2025-02-26 5 1,860
2025-02-27 7 1,827
2025-02-28 9 1,816
2025-03-01 2 1,768
2025-03-02 6 1,711
2025-03-03 10 1,886
2025-03-04 6 1,849
2025-03-05 12 1,900
2025-03-06 7 1,795
2025-03-07 7 1,848
2025-03-08 7 1,708
2025-03-09 3 1,743
2025-03-10 6 1,882
2025-03-11 2 1,868
2025-03-12 10 1,865
2025-03-13 4 1,832
2025-03-14 9 1,827
2025-03-15 22 1,732
2025-03-16 17 1,809
2025-03-17 5 1,923
2025-03-18 8 1,903
2025-03-19 2 1,892
2025-03-20 16 1,856
2025-03-21 28 1,832
2025-03-22 0 0
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