Disable YouTube video & screen based ads at home page, and right before or in the middle of the main video playback. Also disable YouTube's anti-adblocker popup dialog. For new YouTube layout (Polymer) only.
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
Workaround for pauses and skips of video playback due to YouTube video server (intentional?) bug where it gives INVALID stream data at random time.
Bugfix typo in the code. Sowwy...
Update to workaround the new one-sided anti-content-control "trusted" CSP policy (sic)
Also disable annotations (which are intrusive overlays). Configurable in script code.
Disable intrusive floating ad buttons and suggestion panels on bootom-left of video player
Disable bottom-left promotion popup
Update for "raw" site changes, and hooking method.
Workaround for YouTube's new "remarketing" sneaky ads
Update to block video based ads in channel/user Home tab, if the Home tab has a video player
New enlightned method to disable anti-adblocker popup. You can't dodge forever, YouTube.
Revert to previous bug fixed method of disabling anti-adblocker popup
Bug fix for anti anti-adblocker popup. Also use different method, since YouTube is quick to squirm.
Also disable YouTube's anti-adblocker popup dialog (experimental)
Experimental workaround for the new YouTube's even-more-intrusive-and-aggresive video based ads
Update due to site changes. YouTube is actually trying to be smarter.
Added code to disable video ads which is presented on fresh page load (YouTube's code is getting sneaky like a malware). Updated compatibility workaround for restrictive GM provider addons (FireMonkey and new Greasemonkey). More minor ads related things are disabled.
Fixed compatibility with FireMonkey.
I may got tripped once in a while, but I always catch you, YouTube!
Keep running, YouTube!! And here, don't forget your raw guts!