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Direct download from Google Play

Adds APK-DL, APKPure, APKCombo, APKPremier, APKMirror and Evozi download buttons to Google Play Store when browsing apps.

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APKCombo always shows offline


Hi, I'll check it to see the reason of the problem. Thank you for the feedback!


I've updated the script, now it should always be able to access APKCombo without opening the site in a new tab.

I've updated the script, now it should always be able to access APKCombo without opening the site in a new tab.

It works in Firefox with Greasemonkey perfectly now, but it doesn't work in Pale Moon with Greasemonkey or Chromium with Tampermonkey. Is there any way to fix it?


I first have to test it. I think it might be related to the way Greasemonkey 4 saves the preferences, as it has changed since Greasemonkey 3 that PaleMoon is still using. Tampermonkey might have a similar problem, I actually haven't properly checked their API.
EDIT: I figured out that I forgot to add the @connect property for APKCombo downloads. @connect is not required by ViolentMonkey and GreaseMonkey, but Tampermonkey needs every server the script connects to to be listed. I've added the following:
// @connect apkcombo.com APKCombo website
// @connect gpudf.down-apk.com APKCombo's CDN for apks
// @connect play.googleapis.com Google's URLs for requesting apks
// @connect gvt1.com Google's CDN for apks
I've also added a line to ensure that APK-DL downloads are done using an HTTPS connection, as it seems that Chrome is a bit more picky than Firefox with popups that start downloads.
I'll test it on Palemoon in the afternoon and if everything is ok I'll upload v2.8.1 today.


I've updated the script, now the compatibility with Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey and Violentmonkey should be ok. Palemoon and its Greasemonkey version don't support the xmlHttpRequest in the same way modern browsers and user-js managers do. I'm honestly not willing to take the effort of rewriting the core parts of the script to make it compatible with a browser that very few people use, even though its a very cool one (by the way my scripts are copyleft, so anyone can make a copy and adjust the code for any browser). For the moment APKPure and APKCombo buttons are not working, but thanks to the GM4-Polyfill APK-DL now works.


Works perfectly now. Thanks for all the help.

