Hide specified works on AO3
Thanks for heads up. I am still seeing tags blocked - could you share a config I can test with?
yep just let me know what exactly I need to send you
Copy the whole window.ao3SaviorConfig
block, from here
/**** CONFIG ********************/
to here
and paste it in your reply. Wrap the block in three backticks
like this ```
so it gets formatted as code and (most importantly) no characters are stripped: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet#code
```/**** CONFIG ********************/
window.ao3SaviorConfig = {
showReasons: true,
// set to false if you don't want to see why works were hidden
showPlaceholders: true,
// set to false if you don't want to see the "This work is hidden!" boxes (could r###lt in empty works lists. Check out the "saved filters" script)
authorBlacklist: ['Hated Author 1', 'smeyer'],
// excludes works with an author that exactly matches at least one term
titleBlacklist: ['The Catcher in the Rye', 'Sylvester And The Magic Pebble'],
// excludes works with a title that exactly matches at least one term
tagBlacklist: ['Femlock', 'VinLock', 'Reader/Sherlock', 'Female Sherlock', 'Sherlock Holmes/ Molly Hooper', 'Female Sherlock Holmes', 'Molly Hooper/Sherlock Holmes', 'Female John Watson',
'Female Sherlock', 'Female John', 'Sherlock Holmes & Original Female Character', 'Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper (implied)', 'Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper', 'sherlolly',
'sherlock/molly hooper', 'Sherlock Holmes/Original Female Character(s)', 'Sherlock Holmes/Original Female Character', 'Sherlock Holmes/Reader', 'Sherlock Holmes/You',
'Sherlock Holmes & Reader', 'Sherlock/Molly', 'Khan/Original female Character', 'Khan/OFC', 'Khan Noonien Singh/Original Female Character', 'Khan Noonien Singh/OFC',
'Female John Watson/Sherlock Holmes', 'Female John Watson/ Sherlock Holmes','Female John/Sherlock', 'Sherlock Holmes / Molly Hooper','Khan Noonien Singh / Molly Hooper',
'Sherlock/Reader', 'Molly Hooper/ Khan Noonien Singh', 'Sherlock/You', 'You/Sherlock', 'Sherlock Holmes/You', 'You/Sherlock Holmes']
// excludes works with a tag that matches at least one term. Use * for wildcard
tagWhitelist: [],
// if a work contains any of these tags, it will not be blocked, even if it matches one of the blacklists
summaryBlacklist: ['horse-sized ducks', 'duck-sized horses', "bee's knees"]
// excludes works with summaries that contain at least one term
Hey, there are a couple issues with this config:
array - this definitely breaks the whole scriptIf I add the missing comma, your config starts working (tested with "femlock" tag).
Cool thanks for that and sorry for the false alarm I guess it only stopped working when I restarted the browser. I leave my pc on for days so I didn't connect the edit with the error as I edited it days before it stopped working. But the restart must have caused the edited script to kick in.
I thought the stray comma was my mistake I fumbled the keyboard while I was editing and thought I had added it when I grabbed the keyboard to stop it falling.
Put the comma back and all is right with my Sherlock world *g*
This same problem has been happening to me and I checked to see if I had misplaced a comma too but it all looks fine
edit: it started to work again, for some reason. Just ignore this
AO3 Update causing issues.
There seems to have been an update on AO3 as the script is no longer blocking tags. Thought you would like a heads up.