< 脚本Stylish 轻捷的反馈
“安装”按钮消失了||the install button disappeared
成功安装了几个主题之后,再次访问userstyles.org时,只有部分主题页面有“install style”按钮,甚至多次访问同一个页面之后按钮也会消失。从服务器和从页面安装的按钮都没有。
after I successfully installed some styles,the “install style” buttons just disappeared from the page when I visit userstyles.org . Both "install style from server" and "from page" disappeared.
“安装”按钮消失了||the install button disappeared
成功安装了几个主题之后,再次访问userstyles.org时,只有部分主题页面有“install style”按钮,甚至多次访问同一个页面之后按钮也会消失。从服务器和从页面安装的按钮都没有。
after I successfully installed some styles,the “install style” buttons just disappeared from the page when I visit userstyles.org . Both "install style from server" and "from page" disappeared.