
(9anime) AniWave Bingewatcher+

Auto-fullscreen, skip intros, jump to next episode, 9anime on Vidstream and MyCloud videos (Auto-1080p in configuration panel)

< 脚本(9anime) AniWave Bingewatcher+的反馈

评价:差评 - 脚本失效或无法使用


Since N is a native website shortcut key it should be removed from the script and from the script description.

You're right, current openings and endings have 90 secs duration, but not always, I would like the script to jump 85 secs (1:25 mins) instead of jumping 30 secs... This -5 secs helps to make sure the opening/ending finishes in the next 5 secs, and this way we know the op/end really has 90 secs of duration.

Can you add support for Streamtape and Mp4upload? (the script description doesn't say they are supported)

The script icon is broken.


"Since N is a native website shortcut key it should be removed from the script and from the script description."
you don't seem to understand the functionality... without my script, the native 'N' hotkey works when the page has focus, but it never works when the video player has focus... with my script, it adds the working hotkey to the video player, which is where most people need it, so now both the native function still works and the player hotkey work together

"I would like the script to jump 85 secs"
if more people request it, I'll consider it... in the meantime, being a coder yourself, feel free to customize your own copy

"This script works only on 'Vidstream' and 'MyCloud' source videos, but not 'Streamtape' for the moment."
above is what was already written on the info page, I'll add 'Mp4upload' to unsupported

Icon is now working


Ok, great! Now I got it.


I didn't read that, but thanks, good to know it's under consideration already.

Thanks for the fix


automatic highest quality does not seem to be working most of the time


automatic highest quality does not seem to be working most of the time

provide link example, worked when I used it


The script shows a bunch of console log error messages, what is really annoying specially when I want to code or run a code on this website.I hope you can fix it soon.


are you able to use Chrome Devtools on 9anime, how? that's been a major issue with lots of discussions by uBlock Origin devs


I installed it, tested it on https://9anime.id/watch/spy-x-family.6ll19 and it didn't work... does something else need to be done


I started a discussion about this a while ago here https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/8128 - someone recently posted a link to your script saying it worked for them


It worked for me.

Open https://9anime.id/
Open the dev tools
Search for an anime, click on the anime page or press enter
(Dev tools will pause because of my script), On sources click on the play/(r###me script execution) button
Click on the "deactivate break points" button on sources
Now you can use the dev tools.


Ublock Origin has this
9anime.*##+js(set, console.log, undefined)

In their built-in filters list named "uBlock filters".
I just tested it and it does almost the same thing as my script.


This is your script bugs.image


nothing I can do about it until your script starts working... you can always toggle the script off while working on other stuff


You can add this to your custom ublock origin filters and it will work
9anime.*##+js(set, console.log, undefined)

Or just enable their built-in filters list named "uBlock filters".


imageEnable this filter


darn, the custom filter and updating uBlock filters didn't work
I would've been surprised if updating uBlock filters (which were already activated) would've worked... not sure if you saw the Github uBlock discussion https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/8128 - the devs are very intentionally avoiding blocking 9anime's anti-devtools code, even when specifically requested, they claim it's to prevent other's hotlinking/bandwidth stealing the videos, it sounds like one of the mods works for 9anime

I've also been having strange issues with scripts on Tampermonkey Beta after their last update, taking a look at it


That's very weird.

I didn't event know there were devs out there having issues to open the dev tools on 9anime, it has never been a issue for me, because I use those ublock filters and my own script.

I tried to use just my script, just 9anime.*##+js(set, console.log, undefined) in my custom Ublock Origin filters list, and just enable the built in ublock filters list, and those 3 options worked for me, so I really don't know what is the issue for you.

I'm pretty sure Ublock Origin devs tried very hard to let users be able to open the dev tools on 9anime, I doubt they wouldn't want to add this feature to Ublock Origin.

9anime mods really don't want anyone to open the dev tools on their website for whatever reason, this is not any Ublock Origin devs fault.

My last and 4th solution that also worked for me was to subscribe to the "Anifiltrs — 🍱 Anime streaming & Manga reading" filters here https://github.com/Karmesinrot/Anifiltrs
*This filters list works just because they have this line filter on their list 9anime.*##+js(set, console.log, undefined)

I'm pretty sure Ublock Origin devs tried very hard to let users be able to open the dev tools on 9anime, I doubt they wouldn't want to add this feature to Ublock Origin.
9anime mods really don't want anyone to open the dev tools on their website for whatever reason, this is not any Ublock Origin devs fault.

lol it's obvious you didn't read the relevant thread, this is all old news, why would you offer that opinion before reading what I posted twice
I'll try the Anifiltrs filter, but I'm skeptical


turns out I was already subscribed to Anifiltrs, I updated the filters, didn't work
If you happen to know someone else, a 3rd party, who could try getting devtools to work with the filters, that would be useful


ok, I managed to completely fix everything back to normal, the anti-anti-devtool script and uBlock filters definitely do not work
it's a shame, cuz I would have wanted it to work, the only workaround is using Firefox's devtools
btw, the script icon isn't broken, you can see the favicon link yourself https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=9anime.to


Maybe the icon was broken last year, but something changed now.

I remember there was a time where all my script icons were broken, I suppose google was migrating from v1 to v2 favicon APIs. Everytime I used the link you sent here I was redirected to something like https://t3.gstatic.com/faviconV2?client=SOCIAL&type=FAVICON&fallback_opts=TYPE,SIZE,URL&url=http://9anime.id&size=64 so I just started using v2 instead of v1 because of it.

Now the icon is okay.

I don't know anyone else.I didn't even knew it was a problem, because I never had it, since I'm using all the 3 methods I told you.

Maybe there's an extension or script messing with that ublock filter and my script?

I tried it multiple times here, and each of the 4 methods I said worked for me.

Maybe you could try using edge and disabling everything else, I guess it will work this way?


I tried Edge, looks like anti-anti debugger script and '9anime.*##+js(set, console.log, undefined)' worked, the console log stays open...

now something else came up, could you check if your '9anime Bingewatcher+' script copy is working?
I've been experiencing something very strange, the script will be working, I'll open another 9anime video, and the script will stop working... nothing changed in between, I thought it could be a memory issue and restarted the browser, but the problem occurs even with just two pages open


now that I can see the console, I think you can stop many error msgs by going Configure panel > uncheck 'Automatic Highest Quality' > Save
I suspect they changed the video player and it's creating issues



Yeah, most of the time your script is working.

Just a couple days ago when I press the key to go forward like jump 85 secs to jump an op/end sometimes it doesn't work...

I always have only 1 tab opened with that website, so I never noticed that. For me this isn't a bug, or at least is one that I don't care about as much as the script looping error messages in the console.log.

I really like the 'Automatic Highest Quality' feature, so I will keep it on probably until you release a fix for all those bugs.

Thanks for your patience and for working on it.


Yeah, sadly jumping a couple secs to skip op/ends is not really working well either.


it's crazy...
- 9anime Bingewatcher no longer works in any browser I use
- while using anti-anti debugger script and '9anime.*##+js(set, console.log, undefined)' on 9anime, the console log doesn't work with Chrome, Chrome Dev or Cent browsers, but it does work with Microsoft Edge
- 12 hours ago another user posted that the script "works wonderfully" for him

I can only guess the issue is that 9anime is rolling out a new video player, but only to a certain amount of users at a time


I believe my anti-anti debugger script should work on any chromium browsers, since it works on edge, but I can test it more.
I also think that that filter line for ublock origin should work on any browsers, or at least chromium browsers, since it works on edge, but I can test it more.

I saw that guy posting a good rating and saying that, what really doesn't make sense, unless he did not try to use any key to jump the op/end, besides that I think the script is working, at least the features I use are working besides that one.

Currently I have "Vidstream MyCloud VideoVard Streamtape Mp4upload" stream options available, VideoVard seems to be the new one, but I guess anyone has that option.


oh really, if the 'V' Skip Intro key is still working that's good for now


"Skip Anime Intro Key" is not working.I changed the letter to "l", it always worked until a couple days ago.


hey, thought you might like to know this... after fixing 9anime Bingewatcher+ on Tuesday, I restarted my computer - then today, I was on 9anime on Slimjet (Chromium-based) and wanted to look at some code, so without thinking I opened Devtools, and it actually stayed open -- after that, I tested the anti-anti-debugger script on Chrome, Chrome Dev, and Slimjet and it worked on all of them... so, it seems like either restarting the computer or browser did something to make it work, I've never seen that happen with a userscript before, but that's what happened


Thanks for letting me know that.

Well, there are a couple people that only restart their computers once a week or even less, that's really terrible for the computer, but anyway usually restarting fix all problems of any kind haha.


Heyo, I modified your code to add automatic speed (currently watching One Piece and is painfully slow).

In MonkeyConfig:

'Automatic Speed': {type: 'number',default: '1.0'},

And in line 216

const speed = Number(cfg.get('Automatic Speed'));player.playbackRate = speed;

right on, nice mod... I usually assume people are using dedicated addons for video speed control since they can add a lot of robust features like - faster/slower/reset and rewind/forward hotkeys, remember playback speed, custom mapped keys, etc...
here's the one I use:
Video Speed Controller for Chrome


Oh, thanks for that! Will look into that add-on.
My mistake was I did not install the correct one and it messed with your script's keymap. I only wanted the speed adjustment so that's why


The script still showing error messages in a loop




Automatic Highest Quality has been broken for a long time...


no it hasn't, 9anime updated their site, after changing the video quality once it stays that way for all videos


Not on my end...

I clear my cookies and stuff like that every time the browser is closed, maybe that is the reason why I have to keep setting up 1080p?


ah, what about in the same session before closing the browser? I went to a random 9anime video, selected 1080p, opened a different random video and it was still 1080p. It also remembered when I chose another quality like 360p


yeah, it seems like it keeps 1080p after I selected it the first time.

Your script claims to auto-select it the first time, but it does not...


lol you obviously haven't used 9anime much if you didn't realize it saves the quality, which it has done for a long time now


I did notice that.

But your script not auto-selecting it the first time is a bug...


"I did notice that."
no, not really, because you said:
"Not on my end..." - then I explained it to you, everyone has managed to press 1080p by themselves


Then is makes the " Automatic Highest Quality" feature non-existent and non-working

Why does your script claim to " Automatic Highest Quality" when users are still required to manually select 1080p the first time?


lol out of all the things in the world to spend your time on... 9anime added a new feature that you didn't know about, because you don't use it much, that makes the script's long used feature no longer needed, it doesn't affect anything at all, things only got better... this is what you're complaining about haha


Then since " Automatic Highest Quality" doesn't do anything anymore, why not just updat the script and remove it?


I might at some point, but there's no hurry since it doesn't effect anything... I'm not in a rush because 9anime regularly takes inspiration from my script to update built-in features into their site for everyone, they already added 'Auto Play', 'Auto Next', 'Auto Skip' because of my script, probably 'save quality' too


lol, I totally get it...

I just wanted to let you know about that, you can either remove the " Automatic Highest Quality" or make it select 1080p once on the first time 9anime is loaded... And the same for the other features...

Good luck!


needs to be updated


needs to be updated

