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Twitter hide content warning crap

Makes it so nothing is marked as sensitive.

< 脚本Twitter hide content warning crap的反馈

评价:好评 - 脚本运行良好


For me it works perfect in the timeline and on the profile pages, but not in the Media tab. Using Greasmonkey on Firefox 115.9.1esr (Linux). Would be cool if it worked on Media tab also :-)


Hello, I tested with similar configuration (Greasemonkey 4.12.0, Firefox 121.0.1, Linux VM NixOS 23.11.3409.d7f206b723e4 (Tapir)) and it seems to work in the media tab (and elsewhere). I suspect the main compatibility difference would be our Greasemonkey and Firefox versions. I would first try to make sure Greasemonkey is updated, and then if it still doesn't work, try a newer version of Firefox if possible (older Firefox API versions might make some userscripts not work correctly, probably).


Hi, thanks for your reply! I updated firefox to 124.02; Greasmonkey is also 4.12.0 (installed today). My Linux is Openuse 15.5, although this shouldn't have any effect...
For me it still does not work in the "Media"-Tab, not in my own profile, nor in others. Everywhere else (also in likes etc.) it works perfectly.


Are there any relevant errors logged in the console? Does the script show that it's running when you are on a media tab page? Since I put *.twitter.com/* as the match, maybe for some reason twitter is redirecting you to x.com?


I added a match for x.com and also fixed some other minor things


As much as I see (as a user with not much script experience) I see no errors in the console. I don't know how to see if the script is running or not in the media tab. When I click on the media tab, the URL still shows twitter.com. I have your version 1688677568584 (but I can't see x.com as a match).

The attachment shows how my media tab looks like. In all other tabs the script works as expected (also in other accounts).

The div with the button has this code (according to firefox inspector):


Oh, I didn't realize that code is executed instead of displayed as text :-)
So here another try:

<div dir="ltr" role="button" tabindex="0" class="css-1rynq56 r-bcqeeo r-qvutc0 r-37j5jr r-a023e6 r-rjixqe r-16dba41 r-1loqt21" style="text-overflow: unset; color: rgb(29, 155, 240);"><span class="css-1qaijid r-bcqeeo r-qvutc0 r-poiln3" style="text-overflow: unset;">Show</span></div>


One other thing to try is using another script runner, like Tampermonkey. You can have both Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey installed at the same time, but disable the script for one and enable it for the other.

The only other crazy thing I can think of is some sort of response caching issue, as in you are getting cached responses that somehow bypasses my script (which is something I think I fixed a few weeks ago). If clearing your cache works, then I'll have to think of another fix around that (and it may only work temporarily), otherwise I do not know.

Also my script doesn't do anything with the DOM, it instead intercepts twitter responses and tries to disable the sensitive media flags in every tweet.


So I have installed Tampermonkey. Deactivated/exported the script in Greasemonkey and imported/activated it in Tampermonkey. Also deleted firefox cache (this runs in a separate firefox profile that I only use for twitter). But no change :-(

With my extremely basic knowledge of scripting I see the code
const elements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('article div[role="button"].r-173mn98'));
which I think selects the buttons to click using the css-style "r-173mn98" to identify them. But I don't see this style in the html of the media tab.

Please excuse if this is stupid: as said, I have not much idea of scripting...

However, as the script works everywhere else, for me it is not that important. It would be cool to have it working in media tap too, of course, but I can live with it.

I don't want to use your time. Just in case you want me to do further tests, I am happy to help if I can.


It sounds like like you are using an old version of the script. Please reinstall it so you get the latest version.


Huu, now with Version 0.14 it doesn't work anymore at all.

When I load Twitter, the first post is unhidden, but as soon as I scroll down they are covered again with the content warning :-(


I now installed the version of last week, 0.13, and with this everything works :-)
Posts are visible, also in the media tab...


@JAU Quite perplexing issues you encounter..

