终极自动翻页 - 加载并拼接下一分页内容至当前页尾,智能适配任意网页
Take it.
{"name": "gog","action": 1,"url": "^https://www\\.gog\\.com/","pageElement": "paginated-products-grid.ng-star-inserted","nextLinkByUrl": ["(&page=(\\d+))?$","&page={$2+1}"],"pageAction": "[].forEach.call(eles, ele=>{[].forEach.call(ele.querySelectorAll('source[lazyload]'), source=>{source.setAttribute('srcset',source.getAttribute('lazyload'))})})"}
I remember asking about gog.com and you helped make the rule for it however seem to be having issues when narrowing down search r###lts. for instance on gog.com going to store, on sale now, then narrowing search r###lts to lets say 0.74 - 8.00 wpagetual doesnt work.
Seems anytime there's a filter narrowing r###lts I have issues on this website.
As always thanks for your updates.