Open links in current tab regardless of _target or site's preferences. Ctrl-click: background tab, Ctrl-Shift-click: foreground tab, Shift-click: new window
< 脚本Open links in current tab的反馈
Try the updated script.
Updated to 2.0.5... it works!
[fixed] Some type of conflict with Disqus links
Hi. Thanks for this script; it's extremely useful for my workflow.
I see you're making some frequent updates, so maybe this problem will shake-out later, but currently... One of the updates is interfering with either generic Disqus links, or those links when used with one or both Disqus userscripts:
What happens is, when your script is active, when I click on a Disqus link, nothing happens -- e.g. can't up/down vote, can't recommend, share, sort. The links appear clickable, but are not.
With these scripts disabled, and yours Active: -- disqus links don't work; but the comment box does accept input
With these scripts Enabled, and yours de-active: -- all disqus links work
Firefox 42.0 Greasemonkey 3.9 Olict 2.01 [it auto-updated today]