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AO3 Bookmark Maker (Adds title, author, workID, summary to bookmark notes automatically)

Automatically adds the fic info (title, author, series/workID, and summary) to the bookmark notes while preserving any existing notes. It also adds word count tags or a "WIP" tag. Automatically sets all new bookmarks to default to being private as well. Great for tracking bookmarks. Helpful for re-readers! Or to figure out what that deleted fic used to be! (Note this is included in my AO3 Re-read Savior script)

< 脚本AO3 Bookmark Maker (Adds title, author, workID, summary to bookmark notes automatically)的反馈

评价:好评 - 脚本运行良好


Hi! Lovely script, thanks for making it public. You've mentioned wanting more info on series, here are the XPaths that collect series and work word length:

var series_words_XPath = './/*[@id="main"]//dl[contains(concat(" ",normalize-space(@class)," ")," stats ")]//dt[text()="Words:"]/following-sibling::*[1]/self::dd';
var work_words_XPath = './/dt[text()="Words:"]/following-sibling::*[1]/self::dd';

