w4tchdoge's AO3 Bookmark Maker
Modified/Forked from Ellililunch AO3 Bookmark Maker.
Userscript that automatically adds the details of a work to your bookmark notes for archival purposes. I've made the script highly configurable with (hopefully) clear instructions, but out-of-the-box functionality should be good enough if you don't want to bother with the configuration.
- The script only automatically adds the bookmark text if you are making the bookmark on a work/series page with a summary element. For series' this is every series page (series summaries are handled differently to work summaries). For work's this is either the first chapter of a multi-chapter work, an entire work page, or the only chapter of a single chapter work.
- This userscript relies heavily on template literals (W3Schools, MDN), which are supported in the latest versions of all modern mainstream browsers.[1][2] If you are using a niche browser or you want to be certain that your browser supports template literals, please visit this StackOverflow answer and run the code snippet. It should return a
if template literals are supported.
Apart from the editing of what preset you're using/the actual contents of the autogenerated bookmark, all major userscript settings have been moved to a menu on the header menu of your preferences page.

An explanation of all the settings is in the userscript's code.
Demo/Example Images
Demo/Example images show the output if Preset 1 (the default preset) is being used.
Everything collapsed:

Details uncollapsed:

Details & summary uncollapsed:

Details & relationships uncollapsed:

Details & summary & relationships uncollapsed:

- Rename
to series_works_titles_summaries
to indicate that it's functionality has been changed such that for series with more than 10 works it outputs just the title instead of the title and the summary, as the summaries for more than 10 works are unlikely to fit inside a bookmark
- Fix missing authors on Anonymous works
- Fix script erroring at series_works_summaries when series contains a work whose title is not a hyperlink (e.g. Mystery Works)
- Add @exclude rule so that userscript doesn't run on
- Refactor/rewrite the portions of the script related to exctracting all the information needed for the bookmark from the current page
- Ensure the Summary Page button is added when reading a chapter from a page that does not include "works" in the URL (e.g. https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/141155299)
- Update all the other presets to reflect changes made to the default preset
- Clarify how the 'relationships' variable in workInfo now functions, especially with regards to it's new functionality in series bookmarks
- Add all unique relationship tags in all the works on a series page to the series bookmark
- Fix some minor messups I made in 2.6.2 before they break something or the other
- Fix author_HTML only retrieving the first author in multi-author works/series
- Fixes incompatibility with users's skins caused by not using cloneNode(true) when retrieving relationship tags and subsequently removing all classes from them. Credit to @notdoingthateither on Greasy Fork for the fix
- Add a new default variable author_HTML that can be used in the workInfo customisation function. author_HTML is the outerHTML of the author
tag (the author hyperlink) as a string. e.g. the author_HTML string for AO3 work 54769867 would be '<a rel="author" href="/users/nescias/pseuds/nescias">nescias</a>'
- Add a toggle in the dropdown present on the user's preferences page for showing/not showing the AutoTag button when making/editing a bookmark
- Add exclude rule for pages listing bookmarks as the script isn't designed to run on those pages
- Add a fallback for retrieving the "Entire Work" button in case it's been modified but is still somewhat recognisable in the DOM
- Fix script not working on Firefox browsers due to a lack of support for the :has() CSS selector and a Firefox specific error caused by not using Optional Chaining
- Fix a bug where the script errored on single chapter works
- Add an option to have a version of the "Summary Page" button in the top nav buttons. Defaults to false
- Add an Auto Tag button that automatically adds the completion status and word count to the user tags area
- Fairly large reworks of series summaries which includes the addition of the series_works_summaries var (which only does anything when bookmarking a series) that can be used in workInfo to add the summaries of the works in the series to the series bookmark; Added moment.js as a library in case anyone wants to use it to set their own date var
- Fix a possible styling issue that may occur with the dropdown menu
- Fix Relationships subsection for works with no relationship tags by adding a "No Relationships" to the subsection when there are no relationship tags
Add a 'relationships' var that can be used in workInfo to add the work's relationship tags to the bookmark. The default config is now set to include said var in workInfo.
Suggested by oliver t@greasyfork
- Replace the bottom entire work button with a summary page button that works better on large works.
- Adjusted script execution condition to allow for works with no summary.
- Tweaked the bookmarking process which should hopefully make it easier to configure. Also rewrote some of the code to hopefully make it better performing.
- Make some if statements in the localStorage section more readable.
- Fix bottomEntireWork not functioning because of the placement of the code responsible for putting the button there being inside an if statement that only executes on specific pages.
- Fixing assignment of localStorage values to variables in current script execution.
- Fixing general localStorage stuff.
- More summary related fixes.
- Fix the script replacing an existing summary in the bookmark notes with 'undefined'.
- Alert the user that their input for a new divider value has been accepted + Minor styling changes in the setting dropdown.
- Fix if statements that used variables that needed to be true or false by using a function to convert the 'true' & 'false' strings from localStorage to booleans.
- Implemented a settings menu & localStorage of the settings set in the settings menu. Presets must still be set via editing the script.
- Initial publishing of the userscript to Greasy Fork.