< 脚本视频网页全屏的反馈
Compatibility with script "FYTE /Fast YouTube Embedded/ Player"
Hi, is it possible to make it compatible with this script?. The problem is that it is maximized for one side by cutting the image. Thank you. Regards https://greasyfork.org/scripts/9252
You can try to change the code at line 1460 return cssText.replace(/;/g, '!important;'); to return cssText; Maybe help you fix this problem
return cssText.replace(/;/g, '!important;');
return cssText;
Thanks very much, this works for me. Regards
Compatibility with script "FYTE /Fast YouTube Embedded/ Player"
Hi, is it possible to make it compatible with this script?. The problem is that it is maximized for one side by cutting the image. Thank you. Regards https://greasyfork.org/scripts/9252