Greasy Fork is available in English.
Sets the links in the JavaScript-free Google Basic Variant (gbv=1) search r###lts to their original domains, which circumvents click routing through Google's query parameters, fixes browser history mismatch, and strips tracking query parameters.
web-ext build
)Google Search has two forms of search pages, one that's normally served to people with JavaScript, and one that's served to people who have it off, also known as Google Basic Variant (GBV) mode, to enable GBV mode, and not disable JS browser-wide (javascript.enabled
), you can make domains rules with uBlock Origin or uMatrix.
To be able to swap between the default and GBV mode, you can paste the line below into My filters
in the uBlock Origin settings. For uMatrix, more details about this in this blog article Reverse engineering some settings for Google Search.
/^https?:\/{2}w{3}\.google\.(?:a[delmstz]|b[aefgijsty]|c(?:o(?:m(?:\.(?:a[fgru]|b[dhnorz]|c[ouy]|do|e[cgt]|fj|g[hit]|hk|jm|k[hw]|l[by]|m[mtxy]|n[agip]|om|p[aeghkry]|qa|s[abglv]|t[jrw]|u[ay]|v[cn]))?|\.(?:ao|bw|c[kr]|i[dln]|jp|k[er]|ls|m[az]|nz|t[hz]|u[gkz]|v[ei]|z[amw]))|[adfghilmnvz])|d[ejkmz]|e[es]|f[imr]|g[aeglmry]|h[nrtu]|i[emqst]|j[eo]|k[giz]|l[aiktuv]|m[degklnuvw]|n[eloru]|p[lnst]|r[osuw]|s[cehikmnort]|t[dglmnot]|vu|ws)\/search\?(?:[^/]+&)?gbv=1(?:$|[&/])/$csp=script-src 'none'
This way you can see both and side by side.
Since Google wants to track outbound domain traffic, and the Basic Variant mode lacks the JavaScript necessary to do more dynamic tracking, Google instead literally URL encodes your destination domain, and sets it as a query parameter on their own domain, which then redirects you to your destination. This Web-Extension aims to solve this, and at the same time strips tracking query parameters on search r###lts on both GBV (gbv=1), and default (gbv=2) Google modes.
links for inline images.{
"name": "Google Basic Variant",
"url": "^https?://w{3}\\.google\\.(?:a[delmstz]|b[aefgijsty]|c(?:o(?:m(?:\\.(?:a[fgru]|b[dhnorz]|c[ouy]|do|e[cgt]|fj|g[hit]|hk|jm|k[hw]|l[by]|m[mtxy]|n[agip]|om|p[aeghkry]|qa|s[abglv]|t[jrw]|u[ay]|v[cn]))?|\\.(?:ao|bw|c[kr]|i[dln]|jp|k[er]|ls|m[az]|nz|t[hz]|u[gkz]|v[ei]|z[amw]))|[adfghilmnvz])|d[ejkmz]|e[es]|f[imr]|g[aeglmry]|h[nrtu]|i[emqst]|j[eo]|k[giz]|l[aiktuv]|m[degklnuvw]|n[eloru]|p[lnst]|r[osuw]|s[cehikmnort]|t[dglmnot]|vu|ws)/search\\?(?:[^/]+&)?gbv=1(?:$|[&/])",
"pageElement": "//div[@id=\"main\"]",
"exampleUrl": "",
"nextLink": "//a[@aria-label=\"Next page\"]"