Sets the links in the JavaScript-free Google Basic Variant (gbv=1) search r###lts to their original domains, which circumvents click routing through Google's query parameters, fixes browser history mismatch, and strips tracking query parameters.
// ==UserScript== // @name Google Search URL Fixup Fork // @namespace // @namespace // @license MPL-2.0 // @include /^https?:\/{2}w{3}\.google\.(?:a[delmstz]|b[aefgijsty]|c(?:o(?:m(?:\.(?:a[fgru]|b[dhnorz]|c[ouy]|do|e[cgt]|fj|g[hit]|hk|jm|k[hw]|l[by]|m[mtxy]|n[agip]|om|p[aeghkry]|qa|s[abglv]|t[jrw]|u[ay]|v[cn]))?|\.(?:ao|bw|c[kr]|i[dln]|jp|k[er]|ls|m[az]|nz|t[hz]|u[gkz]|v[ei]|z[amw]))|[adfghilmnvz])|d[ejkmz]|e[es]|f[imr]|g[aeglmry]|h[nrtu]|i[emqst]|j[eo]|k[giz]|l[aiktuv]|m[degklnuvw]|n[eloru]|p[lnst]|r[osuw]|s[cehikmnort]|t[dglmnot]|vu|ws)\/search\?/ // @icon // @grant none // @version 0.8.10 // @author brian6932 // @description Sets the links in the JavaScript-free Google Basic Variant (gbv=1) search r###lts to their original domains, which circumvents click routing through Google's query parameters, fixes browser history mismatch, and strips tracking query parameters. // ==/UserScript== // jshint esversion: 11 let i = -1 const pathToParam = { __proto__: null, "/url": "q", "/imgres": "imgurl" }, strippableParams = [ "ei", "fbs", "sa", "sca_esv", "sca_upv", "source", "sxsrf", "ved", ], { links } = globalThis.document, fixLinks = () => { while (++i < links.length) { if (links[i].search === "" && links[i].host !== "") continue const mappedParam = pathToParam[links[i].pathname] if (mappedParam !== undefined) { const encodedLink = new globalThis.URLSearchParams(links[i].search).get(mappedParam) if (encodedLink === null) continue if (!(links[i].href = globalThis.decodeURIComponent(encodedLink)).startsWith("")) continue } /* * Should hit the following paths: / /maps /preferences /search /setprefs /travel /webhp */ const link = new globalThis.URL(links[i].href) for (const param of strippableParams) link.searchParams.delete(param) links[i].href = link.toString() } } // Invoke on load. fixLinks() // Reinvoke on body change. new globalThis.MutationObserver(mutations => { for (const mutation of mutations) if (mutation.type === "childList") return fixLinks() }).observe(globalThis.document.body, { __proto__: null, childList: true, subtree: true })