Reddit Flair LinkifierJS-Turns the text in various subreddits' flair into links
Hummingbird 10 Point RatingsJS-Converts Hummingbird ratings to a 10 point scale
Hummingbird User CompareJS-Adds a button that compares the anime list of a hummingbird user against yours
Youtube Middle Click SearchJS-Middle clicking the search on youtube opens the r###lts in a new tab
Dancing Hatsune MikuJS-Have your waifu join you on every website
Imgur MirrorJS-Switches all imgur links to the mirror site http://kageurufu.net/imgur
WaniKani Kanjidamage MnemonicsJS-Includes Kanjidamage Mnemonics in WaniKani
GitHub Editor - Change Default SettingsJS-change default settings for the github editor
Google - Middle Click SearchJS-Opens search r###lts in new tab when you middle click
Greasy Fork - Change Default Script SortJS-Change default script sort on GreasyFork
Greasy Fork - Auto Enable Syntax-Highlighting Source EditorJS-Auto enables greasy fork's syntax-highlighting source editor
userstyles.org - Auto Enable Source EditorJS-auto enables the source editor on userstyles.org
userstyles.org - auto select keep me logged inJS-Auto checks keep me logged in on userstyles.org
Prevent Wikia AdsJS-Prevent the ads that pop up when clicking a link to an external page on Wikias
SoundCloud Toggle Continuous Play and AutoplayJS-Adds options to toggle continuous play and autoplay in SoundCloud
Loft Lounge Board Game FiltersJS-Adds Filters to the Loft Lounge board game page
The Works Burger ChooserJS-Choose a random burger on the works menu
Kitsu MangaDex LinksJS-Adds MangaDex links to Kitsu manga pages
RetailMeNot EnhancerJS-Auto shows coupons and stops pop-unders on RetailMeNot
Reddit Disable No ParticipationJS-Disables No Participation on Reddit
PokemonDB Default VersionJS-Auto selects the chosen version in the Moves section on PokemonDB
Nintendo Store CanadaJS-Auto redirect nintendo store to canada store
Cubemania - Auto Select InspectionJS-auto checks the 15 second inspection checkbox on the cubemania timer
GCPedia Ace EditorJS-Use the Ace Editor when editing things on GCPedia
Google, 12 hour date-time pickerJS-Switches the date time picker on google searches to a 12 hour clock
Dailymotion disable autoplayJS-Disables autoplay and auto next vid on dailymotion
Telegram Web EmojioneJS-Replaces old iOS emojis with Emojione on Telegram Web
Rulu.co remove adsJS-Removes ad links from Rulu.co
D&D Beyond - Jumping DistanceJS-Adds a jumping distance section to D&D Beyond
New reddit: Prevent middle click scrollJS-Prevents the middle click scroll when middle clicking posts on the new reddit layout
View More Videos by Same YouTube ChannelJS-Displays a list of more videos by the same channel inline
Youtube Scroll VolumeJS-Use the scroll wheel to adjust volume of youtube videos
WaniKani Kana SearchJS-Search on WaniKani using hiragana
LingoDeer Auto Write MyselfJS-Auto switch to "Write Myself", and adds press enter to continue.
WaniKani Pitch AccentJS-Show pitch accent data on WaniKani
Kitsu External LinksJS-adds a link to myanimelist and anilist on Kitsu entries
Truffle TV Channel Points ClaimerJS-Auto claim point on Truffle TV enabled streams.
Parks Canada Umbraco Ace EditorJS-Use the Ace Editor when editing things on Umbraco on Parks Canada intranet