BTN - collapse show infoJS-shrink/expand the show info box
whatimg - add [img] tagsJS-you need to set 'upload layout' to boxed in whatimg settings
KG - upload: add [img] tagsJS-adds link to auto tag image URLs
KG - move detailsJS-splits the long torrent details table into two side-by-side boxes
KG - less page jumps while images loadJS-gives torrent description a scrollbar+set height, click inside to revert
KG - check screenshotsJS-list screenshot dimensions & count of each size
KG - show year on requestsJS-gets years from IMDB
KG - enhance search formsJS-countrypicker for main search, requests search
IMDB - add tracker linksJS-at bottom-right of page
KG - default sort by AddedJS-affects browse tab and search form
bib - highlight retailJS-colour highlight for retail
bib - move authorJS-rearrange author/title
overdrive library - btik linksJS-link from overdrive to btik
IMDB - produce directory nameJS-produces a directory name ready to copy/paste
bib - highlight filled requestsJS-highlight
KG - homepage additionsJS-see latest uploads from your choice of directors & users on homepage (edit script to choose which)
what.cd + other gazelle trackers - improve readabilityJS-increase fontsize of Artist - Album in torrent listings making it much easier to scan through the page
bibliotik - creator names link directly to torrentsJS-eliminates a click
itunes - get large artworkJS-click on the poster/album cover for the large version. they're not always available.
PTP - filter ratings listJS-type to filter the ratings list