Comcast Business SMCD3G Port Forward Autoconfig JS - Easily/Automatically create port forwards, without having to sit and wait for each change to apply. Created to while diagnosing an issue with SMCD3G that caused it to forgets all configured port forwards, which seems to be a common problem for some xfinity customers as well.
Quizlet Spell Auto-Giveup Countdown. JS - A forced, automatic, and short study session for spelling words you obviously do NOT know. Includes a short configurable break and an alarm to get them to come back when the break ends. Intended for use with kids.
Mangadex Autocomplete JS - Autocompletes @mentions and :titles. Maintains a small history of user posts and manga you recently viewed and searches that for matches. Example image shown in additional info
Mangadex Preview Post JS - WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet preview generator for MangaDex comments/posts/profile. Shows a formatted preview next to the edit box.
Mangadex Common JS (库) - Common function library for Mangadex. Should be required by other userscripts.