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< Feedback on ####-Yudao

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 23.12.2024


Posted: 02.01.2025

Please check:

  • Check if this script works on other paths. If you are only blocked for a few paths, then the script IS working. It's just that Yudao updated their unprofessional doc but I didn't update this script accordingly;
  • Make sure the array in the 33rd line of the source code of this plugin includes the path that is now blocking you. If not, add the path to that array will fix the issue.
  • Refresh the browser. Script execution order does matter, and sometimes a hard refresh will do the work.
  • If you just installed the script, make a hard refresh, or completely restart your browser

I'm currently occupied, I might not be able to update this script in time.

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