Required by all of Ventero's Kongregate scripts
Original Author: Ventero
Original Host:
Created: 22/07/09
Updated: 06/04/13
Total installs on original host as of 06/03/16: 13,113
Working Status: Unknown
Dev notes:
Required by all of my Kongregate chat-scripts!
Version: 1.9
Please make sure you install this script when installing any other of my chat-scripts!
Sorry for the frequent updates, I'm currently adding a bunch of new features which will make it easier to write userscripts for Kongregate.
Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Ventero, licensed under MIT/X11 license.
2013-04-06: Version 1.9: Another fix for async JS
2013-04-05: Version 1.8: Fix for async JS loading on Kongregate
2012-05-10: Version 1.7.5: Fix for FF.
2012-01-17: Version 1.7.4: IE-fix
03/13/10: Version 1.7.3: Fix for FF4rc1
12/28/10: Version 1.7.2: Fix a small bug in Opera 11
07/29/10: Version 1.7.1: Small fix for Greasemonkey in FF4.
05/24/10: Version 1.7.0: Fixed a bug which made this script fail in some version of Chrome. Huge thanks to The_Chosen_One!
03/16/10: Version 1.6.7: Fixed a bug which caused unnecessary creation of script-tags in Firefox
03/07/10: Version 1.6.6: Minor bug fix.
03/06/10: Version 1.6.5: Added the same functions to Chrome.
03/04/10: Version 1.6.1: Forgot to add GM_deleteValue ;)
03/04/10: Version 1.6.0: Added GM_setValue/GM_getValue-support for Opera 10.50
02/27/10: Version 1.5.1: Changed the include to*
02/27/10: Version 1.5: Added a new feature which will make it a lot easier to use certain JS-features in the scripts.
01/31/10: Version 1.3: Fixed the script so it allows my userscripts to work in Chrome 4 again.
01/24/10: Version 1.2: Integrated sizzlemctwizzle's Auto Update-script
01/08/10: Version 1.1: Fixed some bugs which prevented this script from working in the latest version of Chrome
01/05/10: Released version 1.0.
This script is now required for all of my userscripts in all browsers.