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Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2017-01-31

Semi-Infinite loops

Seems like I'm getting some semi-infinite loops. What I mean is, I get the same console output like:

XXX XXX shared a link.Jul 31, 2012 12:29amWebkameranordkapphavfiske.comWoei! Middernachtzon
> Proceeding to next...
XXX XXX shared a link.Jul 31, 2012 12:29amWebkameranordkapphavfiske.comWoei! Middernachtzon
> Proceeding to next...
XXX XXX shared a link.Jul 31, 2012 12:29amWebkameranordkapphavfiske.comWoei! Middernachtzon
> Proceeding to next...

times a thousand until finally the script says:

> No available options found, skipping.

And it does the same with the next item... Please fix this. Idea of the script is great :)

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