Quickly search for the anime/manga title on any websites of your choice.
< Feedback on Search Helper - MAL
Thanks, I have released an updated.
I won't add any websites that aren't on this list https://github.com/MALSync/MALSync/blob/master/pages.md
That is why I made it so that you can manually add any websites you like.
https://animewho.com/ don't load in the country I am at, neither with the browser ### extension I used so I can't help you, sorry.
> 4)https://manga-tr.com/arama.html?icerik=${titleEncoded}orhttps://anitr.com/arama.html?icerik=${titleEncoded}
They both aren't in the script, therefore I won't add them, but you can add them manually
For the animewho site, I think that's the only difference. Using underscore as sideline or they add underscores to spaces.
If there was something that would take the name on the site and add a dash to the spaces, it would work that way.
Glad you figured it out.
https://animewho.com/ceviriler/anime/${titleEncoded.replace(/\s+/g, '-')}
Now you can add it manually.
Anime who site is on the list.
Also, the manga variation should be added.
https://animewho.com/ceviriler/manga/${titleEncoded.replace(/\s+/g, '-')}
Oh ok, I may add it sometime in the future then.
For now I only want to focus on websites that can be found on https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/429784-search-helper-mal/code
Then I will focus on the GitHub link I gave you when I have lots of free time, many weeks from now maybe, if I have any time at all.
Since everything is working in the script now, please remember to update your rating.
Thank you
Corrections .
https://google.com/search?q=${titleEncoded} site:turkanime.co
And I couldn't configure these sites, can you add them too?