Automatically claim channel points, enable theater mode, claim prime rewards, claim drops, and add redeem buttons for GOG and Legacy Games on Twitch and Amazon Gaming websites.
< Feedback on Twitch Enhancements
The script does not include any function to change the chat view. If you are noticing that the chat view is toggling, it is likely caused by another script or extension you have installed. I recommend checking your other extensions to identify the source of the issue.
After switching off for weeks and now back with the latest update, I can confirm that it only brings the chat window when a poll/prediction is started. Dunno if that's default behavior or not, but definitely doesn't happen when this script is disabled.
"I couldn't replicate the issue myself, but you might want to try disabling lines 439 to 441 in the script.
// setTimeout(() => clickButton(CLOSE_MENU_BUTTON_SELECTOR), 1000);
// setTimeout(() => clickButton(CLOSE_MODAL_BUTTON_SELECTOR), 1000);
// setTimeout(hideGlobalMenu, 1000);
I believe this script may be toggling the chat view at regular intervals since the latest update. Otherwise seems to be working.