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DeviantArt - media download helper

DeviantArt - Download multi-image deviations. Download largest resampled media file (useful if no original download is available). Fix timeout of original image download. Download filenames are prefixed with artist's name.

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This script has undergone a major update to support multi-image posts!
Please provide feedback if you encounter any issue or weird behavior.

This script adds up to two additional download buttons to DeviantArt media posts.

It has been developed with the goal of making the downloading of images easier, but it also works for videos.

The main functions of this script are:

  • Additional "original download" button to circumvent 10 minute timeout of standard DeviantArt download URLs
    Deviations can choose to offer a "Free download" button (downward arrow with thin line underneath). This provides access to the full-sized original media file uploaded by the artist.
    However, the link of this button expires after 10 minutes, requiring a full page refresh to renew it.
    This script adds a button (downwards arrow with thick line underneath) for the original media file that does not expire.
    If "Free download" is not available for a deviation, then the button is not added.

  • Additional button to download best available resampled version of media file
    If a deviation does not offer the "Free download" button, then the only available media options are resampled, scaled-down versions of the original media.
    But resampled is better than nothing!
    This script adds a button (downwards arrow with two thin lines underneath) to download the best available resampled media option (typically named "fullview" for images).
    This functionality should work for any "art" deviation (image, animated gif, video, etc.).
    Beware animated gif deviations: Most resampled media options from DA are just still images.

  • Modified filename suggestion for download
    This script prefixes the artist's name to the standard DA filename.
    If the deviation is flagged as AI art, then the script also prefixes "AI_", right after the artist prefix.
    Video media is additionally suffixed with the video height, for example "_480p".

  • Informational mouse-over popup for added download buttons
    This script adds media information via a delayed mouse-over popup (the delay is browser-controlled and cannot be changed).
    Not all info is available for all download options - the script adds whatever info is available at the time.

Technical notes and limitations:

  • Only designed and tested for the desktop version of DeviantArt's web site.
    This script will likely not work well with the mobile version of the web site.
    That said, it also should not break anything major, either.

  • Download delay
    Often, there will be a delay between clicking a download button and the download executing.
    This might occur especially with videos - the larger the file, the longer the possible delay.

  • No "magic unlocking" of deviations
    DeviantArt protects nearly all media files on server-side via encrypted access tokens.
    If a deviation does not offer original media download, then the script cannot offer it either.
    If a deviation is locked (paid tier, etc.), then the script cannot unlock it.

  • Unreliable AI flag
    Please note that DA's AI flag is not well enforced.
    There are plenty of AI deviations that do NOT have the flag set.
    The script can only act on whatever information it receives from DA.

  • DeviantArt's original "Free download" button will continue to expire
    The original download button (if present) is not modified in any way.
    As such, it will expire exactly the same way as if this script was not run.
    Only the additional buttons added by this script will not expire.

I use Firefox with TamperMonkey.
The script has also been tested briefly with Chrome and TamperMonkey.
It has not been tested with ViolentMonkey (but should work), nor with GreaseMonkey (likely will not work).

Feedback as well as technical advice for further script improvement is welcome.

The script is presented AS-IS with no guarantees.