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Infinite Scroll JS - Enable infinite scrolling on paginated sites
Mobile Video Seek Gesture JS - 모바일 브라우저에서 좌우 스와이프 제스처로 동영상 탐색 및 길게 눌러 2배속 재생 (Shadow DOM 포함)
Magnet Link Handler for qBittorrent WebUI JS - Intercept magnet links and open qBittorrent download dialog in a popup.
qBittorrent Magnet Link Handler JS - Intercept magnet links and send them to qBittorrent WebUI.
Unlock Copy Restrictions JS - Unlock web copy restrictions with visual control
Universal Download Link Finder Ultimate JS - Advanced download link finder with intelligent detection and filtering
Auto Loop and Autoplay for All Video Players JS - Enables loop and autoplay on all video players online
Copying Lifted 解除复制限制 JS - Allow your copying in anywhere.
AI Assistant Selector JS - A Tampermonkey script that provides a floating interface to integrate multiple AI assistants, supporting right-click invocation, clearing history messages, resizable UI, and recording AI selection state and position, with fixes for ChatGPT response monitoring and UI updates
Brightness, contrast & saturation booster JS - Boosts brightness, contrast & saturation on every website
Always focus JS - Always keeps page in a focused/active state
iOS App Download Link Extractor JS - Extracts the IPA download link from itms-services URLs or displays an error message, shown next to the original button.
Auto-Rotate Video Fullscreen JS - Automatically rotate device to landscape when a fullscreen video is in landscape orientation only
Remove web limits JS - Pass to kill most of the site, you can lift the restrictions prohibited to copy, cut, select the text, right-click menu.
Image Resolution Display (Firefox Debug) JS - Display the actual resolution of images on top of images, excluding images smaller than a specified size. Works on regular pages and direct image links in Firefox.
Google Auto Translate JS - Uses Google Translate widget first, only loading iframe if necessary.
SmartFrame Downloader JS - Enables the download of high-resolution PNG images from a 'SmartFrame'
AI Page Summarizer Pro JS - 网页内容智能总结,支持自定义API和提示词
Tumblr Tumview Linker JS - Add link on Tumblr sites and vice versa.
Fade In and Out JS - Adds fade out effect when the page is unloaded
Darken JS - Add menuitem into browser context menu to darken the web page. For Firefox 11.0 and newer only.
Search by Image Context Menu JS - Add menu in browser context menu when you right click on an image to search that image on search engines.
Context Menu Example JS - Share page/link to Twitter/Facebook/Google+ from browser context menu
Show Password onFocus JS - Show password when focus on password field
Show Password onMouseOver JS - Show password when mouseover on password field
Disable modal dialogs for automation JS - Disables things like alert, confirm, and prompt - useful for visiting sites with an automated tool like iMacros
April Fools CSS JS - Some CSS april fools
AdRemover JS - Enjoy the web without ads!
Write a note! JS - You can edit a note on all websites!
Center Image & Video JS - Improved controls for images & videos opened directly with your browser - hotkeys & resizing & visuals
No Pop-Ups, only new tabs JS - Turns off the ability to open new windows, opens tabs instead
OFFLINE ALERT JS - When in Work Offline Mode, the webpage you are on will display OFFLINE to alert you that you are in Offline Mode.
Title Manager JS - Manage page titles per (sub)domain. On any website, click Greasemonkey > User Script Commands > Title Manager's menu.
Google Chrome - Set New Tab JS - Set a specified URL as new tab page on Google Chrome.
Y-marker JS - Sets up keyboard shortcuts for placing bookmarks and navigation inside webpage.
HTMLダイアログ無効化 JS - Always opens JavaScript links in new tab in current window instead of new window.
quick-view-douban JS - see douban book movie music in every webpage by selecting text
Markdown textarea JS - Add Markdown convert button to textarea
Google Image Search Context Menu JS - Add Search Image context menu
Stop Overzealous Embedding JS - Tries to turn embedded Youtube videos into links
Kill Floating Bars JS - Stops elements from following you as you scroll down the page
Kill Typeahead Search JS - Removes drop down lists that try to second guess the user
HTML5 video auto-pause JS - Auto-pause any HTML5 videos. Will still preload.
Fixed Scroller Anywhere JS - fixedscrollanywhere
Kiss Insights Goodbye JS - Remove KissInsights dialogs from all web sites.
Image Viewer JS - inject this script into any page, and right-click on the image you want to view full-size
Kanji Highlighter JS - Highlights all kanji on a website using a specific color, depending on the 'level' that it can be found in (optimized for WaniKani users).
Restore Youtube Embed Defaults JS - Removes special options from Youtube embeds, resetting everything to defaults. Useful for restoring disabled buttons like fullscreen and watch on Youtube.
Shutup.css JS - Hide comments from different sites
IP.Chat Logs JS - Keep and manage IRC-like logs for IP.Chat clients.
IP.Board - Plaintext BBCode JS - Adds BBCode button support to Plaintext editor mode.
IP.Chat - Nickname Users JS - Add secondary nicknames for users - shown only in IP.Chat.
IP.Chat Ignore JS - Allows you to ignore chat messages from specific users.
IP.Chat Kick Notice JS - Adds [KICKED] to the page title when you have been kicked.
IP.Chat - Convert Smilies to Text JS - Like it says on the tin.
Makaze Scripts Options Menu JS - Creates, edits and deletes options for my scripts.
IP.Board Post Auto-Saving + Management JS - Save and manage post drafts for IP.Board forums.
IP.Chat Pings + Highlight JS - Pings you when specified words are said in the chat.
IP.Board Post Loss Prevention JS - Force the browser to ask you before leaving a page with an unfinished post.
IP.Chat Extended History + Concise Format JS - Extend IP.Chat history and make messages concise (optional).
dice_concise for IP.Chat JS - A concise dice simulator for IP.Chat.
IP.Board - Isolate Posts by User JS - Adds links to 'Who posted in' lists and posts that generate all posts by that user in the thread.
XenForo Post Style JS - Allows a XenForo user to add a custom BBCode template to their posts. Optional automatic formatting and keyboard shortcut included.
Hide Signatures for Certain Users [XenForo] JS - Like it says on the tin. This script allows the user to hide the signatures of specific users.
IP.Chat-Specific Theme JS - Adds the ability to use a specific theme for IP.Chat separate from the forum theme. The theme can be changed while in IP.Chat via a separate menu next to the default theme changer.
IP.Board - Hide Gender in Miniprofiles JS - Like it says on the tin.
IP.Chat - Auto-Resizing Popup JS - Automatically resizes the chat container to fill the window when in pop-up mode.
clipboardData Emulator JS - emulate clipboardData in non-IE browser
To WhatIMG JS - Send any image to WhatIMG by holding down CTRL + Shift and then clicking on it.
Show Password ondblclick JS - Show password when double clicking on password field
Der Leistungsschutzrecht-Warner JS - Warns on pages supporting the extended copyright for press publishers with a red bar. Uses the blacklist from
Scroll Up & Down Arrows JS - Scroll Up & Down arrows, if you leave mouse on arrow it will slowly scroll
Highlight Table Row on Click JS - Highlight Table Row on Mouse Click
nullify-external-links JS - Prevent external links from working.
nullify-all-links JS - Prevent all links from working.
highlight-external-links JS - Highlight all external links in lime green.
hide-iframes JS - Hide all iframes on the page.
display-external-urls JS - Display the URLs of external links.
disable-jquery JS - Disable jQuery after the page loads. Useful for sites that rely on jQuery to penalize AdBlock users.
disable-inline-and-eval JS - Use a default Content Security Policy to prevent inline JavaScript and eval from working.
clear-all-timeouts JS - Clear all timeouts after the page loads. Useful for sites that rely on timeouts to penalize AdBlock users (a common anti-AdBlock technique).
Replace Text On Webpages JS - Replaces text on websites. Now supports wildcards in search queries. Won't replace text in certain tags like links and code blocks
RapidLeech Popup Skipper JS - Attempts to bypass the ad popup window on RapidLeech-based sites
prevent-playlist-autoplay JS - Prevent autoplay for HTML5 video playlists (particularly on YouTube) by making them pause before they can move on. Works on videos in iframes too.
Ctrl Right Click MyWOT JS - When you hold Ctrl and right click a link, it will open the scorecard for the link in a new tab.
toMorse JS - Plays selected text as morse code.
Add Controls to HTML5 videos JS - Adds controls to HTML5 videos
discuz黑色主题 JS - 可自动识别DISCUZ论坛,并将他们显示为黑色主题。
wordpress黑色主题 JS - 自动识别wordpress,并显示为黑色主题
UL Shuffler JS - Shuffles li's in UL's
SlideShow JS - Automatically presses the "next" button on image gallaries.
Can I Leave Now JS - Stop That Annoying Pop-Up Message To Leave Pages!!!
[.12 Project Endor (Zoltar)]Website Evaluation JS - Open window, hotkeys
mini clock JS - simple clock for full screen mode
sound link fix JS - Prevents the default action for linked .wav/.mp3 files. Inplace playback using HTML5 instead.
Ren's custom header JS - Adds various shortcuts
GkPlugins Helper JS - This userscript assists all sites use plugins of GkPlugins in fetching data links. Mainly used as an alternative to the Java option currently provided.
Always Can Check Spelling JS - Seek out and remove all checkspelling="false" attributes. This restores default behavior, i.e., does not turn on spellcheck for text inputs.
RefLinkGenerator JS - Generate reference link in all kinds of markup languages like html, markdown etc and copy to system clipboard.