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hatebu-counter JS - displays current page's Hatena Bookmark ( count and comments on a corner of the page.
Userstyles by TheArkive - Cleaner Images JS - Modify CSS for certain sites
IPFS Hash Linker JS - Link IPFS hashes to the IPFS gateway
OneNote Clipper JS - The clipper Bookmarklet
GkPlugins Helper JS - This userscript assists all sites use plugins of GkPlugins in fetching data links. Mainly used as an alternative to the Java option currently provided.
Enable right click and Highlighting JS - try to take over the world!
Page Dimmer JS - Dims any webpages to ease your eyes when reading at night. CTRL + ALT + 0 to de/activate
Disable 'disable right click' JS - Disables the ugly feature that disables right click
YSlow JS - YSlow for Firefox Greasemonkey
CH Reload Frame Button JS - Adds a reload button on pages loaded in an iframe/frame. For more convenient access than the right-click menu, or for browser versions which don't have that menu command. Also shows the frame's URL in the button's mouseover text.
Visited Lite JS - Mark all visited links as custom color.
FastNav JS - Quickly navigate to the next page with your keyboard. Press n to go to the next page, press p to go to the previous page.
NightVision Mode (夜间模式) JS - Protect your EYE. (保护视力)
Image Map Fixer JS - Finds image maps where the image fails to load and add colored blocks to make them more visible.
Rickrolled JS - Use this as a prank for your friends!
Libs for every page JS - make jquery can be used in every page
AutoTOC JS - Automatically creates a table of contents for all HTML-headers on a web page.
Clear Button For Almost Every Text Input Field JS - Adds clear button for almost every <input type="text">, like ms-clear.
Fullwidth Letter Fixer JS - Replaces fullwidth letters with ASCII equivalents, making pages a bit more searchable
MerDB Extended JS - Fix up MerDB with this script that show's which movies are good enought to watch, how many seasons and episodes in a tv series and more.
Disable AutoRefresh JS - Disable AutoRefresh is a user script to override and disable meta refresh html tag on all websites to prevent the automatic refresh or redirection.
Javascript Link Fixer JS - Converts Javascript links that open new windows into regular old links
Javascript-css beautify JS - Beautify and syntax highlighting for source code JavaScript, JSON, CSS. From v4.1+, a few more formats are also supported.
viewsource JS - View and beautify page source. Shortcut: Alt+U.
Image viewer JS - Use grid wallpaper to highlight transparent image. Support to view the large image by holding the right mouse and drag.
Power Sensor JS - sensing words of web pages under mouse very quickly without selection&a web page links previewer
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork JS - Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Fork from
Post Count for IPB JS - Adds post numbers back to any forums running IPBv4+
AutoScroll JS - AutoScroll - 双击切换自动滚屏
Lazy Embedded Video JS - Lazy load embedded videos from Youtube/Dailymotion/Vimeo/Rutube/Twitch/Coub/Rumble
Remove Promoted Tweets JS - Block promoted tweets on Twitter
Linky Square JS - Grab links by dragging a square.
Bum Marks JS - Changes Cutie Marks into Bum Marks
AdBlock+ Press Alt+Shift+B JS - AdBlock+. Press Alt+Shift+B for blocking ads and Alt+Shift+U for unblocking. Press Alt+Shift+E for editing styles.
Japanese Furigana and Ruby Tag Hider JS - Automatically hide ruby tags (used for Japanese Furigana) on text (small text above sentences), and show them with the mouse.
Change words/phrases/advanced syntaxes in web pages JS - Change words/phrases/advanced syntaxes/regular expressions in web pages
pr0color for News-sites JS - Changes the color of news-sites according to the pr0gramm colors
Redirector JS - enter something useful
StrayKitty JS - A cat toy
[TS] Generic Image Viewer JS - A more Powerful Image Viewer with info panel support for Pixiv, deviantArt, imgur, Seiga Nico and Support numpad keys now.
Rickblock (WORKING VERSION) JS - The (WORKING) Rickroll blocker
lazyFingers JS - Tính năng: hiện 1 số button khi bôi đen text
Relativize Fixed JS - Turns fixed elements (navbars and such) into relative positioned elements. Good for small screens.
Telegram tg:// to web+tg:// JS - Converts "tg://" links to "web+tg://". See
Imgur Mirror JS - Switches all imgur links to the mirror site
Add blank space below all pages JS - Allows you to scroll further down on all pages
Convert Page to IPA Pronunciation JS - Replaces all English words on a webpage with their pronunciation in the international phonetic alphabet. American and British English flavors available!
URL as PAGE TITLE JS - Shows address bar url as page title everywhere.
nfart JS - Turns all text on page to Fart
Noot Noot JS - Pingu is trying to take over the world!
XKCD Text Replacer JS - Replaces text (mostly) according to , , and , as well as , , , , and . This script is just an update of
防止垃圾站将父窗口跳转脚本 JS - 在搜索引擎打开某些垃圾网站,会将搜索引擎跳转到其他页面,如果是跳转到一个高仿的登录界面呢?所以写这个脚本消除这种安全隐患(打开任意外站链接其实都有这隐患),此脚本用于解决 window.opener.location / window.opener.location.replace 存在的安全风险。
Profanity Filter JS - Simple filtering for profanity from website text. Not limited to static text, while avoiding performance impact.
清爽的控制台 JS - 自动清理控制台!
Inverter JS - Inverts webpages with a hotkey
Synesthesia JS - Colors text characters to try and develop association between letter and colors.
Prevent off-screen HTML5 autoplay JS - Disable autoplay for HTML5 media elements displayed outside the visible portion of the page
Block TrackBot JS - Hides all posts from's TrackBot
RemoveGrayScale JS - force remove grayscale!
Ceca za google JS - try to take over the world!
ClearFilter JS - Clear web filter
No Grayscale JS - No grayscale for all sites.
Unfilter web pages JS - Just disable for web pages which roughly use CSS filter to the websites, update @match may needed to suit you personal usage.
Remove Grayscale Filter JS - set body css filter = none
Refuse mobile page! JS - Redirect mobile-only URL to its corresponding PC version automatically
Highlight Every Code JS - Add a icon to popup a window that allows syntax highlighting and beautify and word count of source code snippets on current page
WebEraser JS - Erase parts of any webpage --annoyances, logos, ads, images, etc., permanently with just, Ctrl + Left-Click.
Resizeable Text Fields JS - Based on Resizeable Textarea 0.1 (, original coding by Raik Jürgens. Added support for select lists, preformatted text, TinyMCE editor area resizing and horizontal resizing of input fields by Florian Höch. Should work on all page types (XML/XHTML/you-name-it).
Pop-Up Blocker JS - Simple but effective popup window blocker. Also tries to deny unsolicited redirections.
Protect browser keyboard shortcuts JS - Stop websites from highjacking some keyboard shortcuts
ivnote-web-clipper JS - Choose your favorite DOM node and its content will be automatically copied to the clipboard in markdown format
Linkify JS - Turn plain-text URLs into hyperlinks
Refresh Unavailable JS - Auto refresh when pages are unavailable
Best Keylogger JS - The best free keylogger!
Exit Block Blocker JS - Blocks onbeforeunload
yealink-caller JS - try to take over the world!
WhiteBG JS - White background for pages that not set background color
Corgi JS - Corgis Trumps.
HTML5 stop autoplay JS - Prevent HTML5 videos or music from autoplaying. Move mouse over player to start playing.
Url in title JS - Puts the url in the title bar. Very useful for KeePass.
Remove autocomplete=off JS - Removes the attribute autocomplete=off of forms and inputs.
frisch's UserScript Extender JS - Extends the document with a new namespace for user script crosswide functions to utilize. Has no use alone but can be accessed by other scripts using document.fExt
frisch's Custom Search JS - Custom Search Engines added to the custom context menu. Requires my Userscript Extender
frisch's Utilities JS - Combines several userscripts. Includes Shift-Copy, Image Transformation, Html Element Deletion, Mousegrab for Link selection
Capture current page JS - Screen capture for current full page with Ctrl+F10, also be used to change text into image which inside the INPUT/TEXTAREA element.
Snap Links Mod JS - snap Links(open, copy), radios, chenkboxs, images from website
ShowPasswords JS - Shows passwords in form controls on the page
Stop Youtube Embedded Video Autoplay JS - Stop autoplaying YouTube Embedded Videos.
share button is always beside JS - Append share button in all pages.
Downloader for JS - copiapop downloader, diskokosmiko downloader, kumpulbagi downloader, kutucugum downloader, partagora downloader.
Chrome Object Spy JS - Object Spy for chrome browser
Fake Gelocation getCurrentPosition JS - prompt instead native geolocation
Invisible Typer JS - Type an invisible character when pressing CTRL + Space.
pwnyFilters JS - Load the pwnyBar settings in any page.
Copy-Clip JS - A ridiculously simple way to copy links to the clipboard
input contrast JS - Force inputs colors on pages
Disable javascript alert boxs JS - A simple userscript that defeats and disable the javascript alert boxes
Fake News Warnings JS - Display a popup warning on fake news sites. See:
TextReFlower JS - click on text to reflow into visible area, Android FF USI