Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
1337X - Subtitle download links to TV and Movie torrents JS - Adds download links for subtitles to every TV and movie torrent on 1337x (addic7ed & subscene)
1337X - Upload page improved JS - Improves the upload page. Let's you set up default descriptions for categories and other defaults like title, tags etc. and more
1337x - Torrent page improvements JS - Makes titles longer on the torrent page and optionally enables the detail box when available.
1337X - Magnet/Torrent links everywhere JS - Adds magnet and torrent links everywere, e.g. directly to the torrent search r###lts
1337x - torrent and magnet links JS - Adds a column with torrent and magnet links in lists
1337X - convert torrent timestamps to relative format JS - Converts torrent upload timestamps to relative format
1337x to Zeta Torrent Web Interface JS - This is a very specific script to be used with and Zeta Torrent for android. This scripts create a new link on the download page of 1337x above the magnet button. This new link you open a URL that adds the torrent to yout Zeta Torrent for android with web interface enabled. It's required to inform your zeta's URL in the script.
MOREtrackers JS - Adds more trackers to torrent magnet links.
1337x Extract Links and Images JS - CLICK START BUTTON TO BEGIN! Filters listings by seeders/looters count. Extract magnet, links and images from inside the description page to the listing page
1337x - UX Enhancement JS - Extend titles, add images to torrent list, full width site
1337x: iTorrents Download Fix JS - Fixes the link on, which gets blocked on Chrome due to the url being http instead of https (a simple fix, if anyone knows how to get in touch to let them know)
1337x - Hide IGG Games torrents JS - Hide IGG Games torrents from 1337x entirely
1337x - Mark Untrusted JS - Marks torrents uploaded by untrusted users by fetching names from the pirated games list.
imdb-auto-click JS - opens imdb link if found
Block 1337x's Annoying popups! JS - Blocks all popups from and redirects suspicious links to the homepage.