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9gagScroll-O-Meter JS - Show how much u scrolled on 9gag
9gag 3Min Remover JS - Removes the 9gag 3Min message
Cheezburger AutoPager JS - Autoloads the next page as you scroll, and uses the arrows to move between posts. Works for the whole Cheezburger network, IPB and vBulletin forums, and some other wordpressish pages
Prevent idle pop-up on JS - Simulates scroll event to prevent idle pop-up
- video controls on hover JS - Show video controls on mouse hover
9gag tagger JS - Tag all the people!
9gag remember position JS - If you scroll down and then close your browser, you lose your scrolling progress. This script adds one magical button, that remembers the position for you as bookmarkable link. Easily allowing you to continue where you left off.
Ninegag JS - 9gag-link-helper on front-pages
9GAG Show Controls JS - Automatically adds the controls attribute to all video elements.
9gag iframe remover JS - Deletes / removes all iframes on 9gag
9gag show video control JS - add video controls to 9gag gif and video post. Add volume slider on chrome browser
- video controls on hover (including Firefox new Tab fix) JS - Show video controls on mouse hover, fixes the Firefox-Issue of opening an empty new tab on click.
9gag - darker style and minimalism JS - Video controls enabled by default and less stuff
9gag dark mode JS - Dark mode for 9gag
vidBgone JS - Remove videos from 9gag
9gag volume and controls JS - Adds the controls to the videos ("gifs") and sets the default volume to 30%
Sections Remover JS - Removes sections from 9gag
9GAG add video controls JS - try to take over the world, and add controls to videos on 9GAG.
- video controls on hover (fork) JS - Show video controls on mouse hover
9gag Rank JS - Script to show ranks on 9 gag based on days of first registration (idea of icons are from 9gag user @reannukeeves
9GAG Video Download Button JS - Provides a download button for 9gag detail view.
9GAG Quick Download JS - Quick download button, to download the not webp/webm version. Because some people can't find the download link.
9gagNotifications JS - Hide notifications for followed post comments
9gag video enhancer JS - try to take over the world!
Add Video Controls for on hover JS - Simple script for adding control elements for videos on and reduce ears pain from sound volume, by setting it to 20 percent
9gag auto video control JS - Automatically add video controls to videos on 9gag, without using timeout (which use a lot of ressource), but using MutationObserver instead (kind of an event when a video is added). The controls are added when you click on the video, to prevent problems with the function that put sound when you click. For videos without sound ("gif"), controls are shown directly
9gag_already_seen JS - display "already seen"-status of posts
9GAG video control enabler JS - Enables the video controls on all video elements on 9GAG.
No "9GAGGER" JS - Remove 9gag's terrible promoted posts and some spam
9gag - Scroll down to current position JS - Scroll down back where the focus was when you clicked the arrow-up icon or scrolled up
9GAG Likes Page Filter Tool JS - A tool which allows to filter the 9GAG upvotes / likes personal page only on the tags you are interested into (e.g. funny, gaming, pcmr, etc...).
Automatically open the comments when opening post on 9gag JS - This script automatically opens the comments when opening a post on 9gag.
Default to Comments JS - Rewrite all gag links on 9gag to directly go to the comment section
9Gay JS - Make 9gag great again. (For now all it do, is open Comment Section instant)
9gag Auto Comment Section JS - anarka84
9gag show comments JS - Show comments instead of "related" section on
9gag - Return dislike count JS - Display the like and dislike counts next to the arrow buttons. Forces display of poster's name instead of section. Display account's age next to posts and comments
LazyAutoScrollerJS JS - 06/06/2023 00:48:42
Hide 9GAGGER JS - Hides all anonymous (9GAGGER) posts
9gag - unblock NSFW - posts & comments JS - Display all NSFW media in posts and comments
9Gag Image Post Only JS - 10/1/2023, 10:36:51 PM
9gag remove GIF/video JS - return to old 9gag, no animation just image
9gag NSFW unblock (temp fix for mobiles) JS - Unblock NSFW without account
9GAG Auto View Replies and User Search Menu (Find Navigation) JS - Adds a menu to search for specific usernames in 9GAG comments and highlights their comments, with find navigation buttons for manual scrolling.