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Amazon Sponsored Products remover JS - Removes the terrible sponsored products from Amazon.
Prime Video Ad Blocker [ESP] JS - Skip Ads and self Promotionals in Prime Video.
Stig's Art Grabr JS - Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
Amazon Autopager JS - Loads next page of search results automatically on Amazon
Amazon short URL JS - Replace article URL with short Amazon permalink
Skip Amazon Prime Video Ads JS - This script skips primevideo ADS
Amazon CPU Tamer JS - It reduces CPU usage on Amazon shopping pages. Enjoy your snappy shopping.
Country of origin for Amazon products JS - userscript to fetch and display the country of origin for amazon products. initially developed to make boycotting the CCP more easy.
Amazon Video ASIN Display JS - Show unique ASINs for episodes and movies/seasons on Amazon Prime Video
Open in Goodreads+ Anna's Archive and LibGen JS - Adds buttons to Amazon book pages to redirect to Goodreads, Anna's Archive, or LibGen search pages based on ASIN/ISBN-10/ISBN-13. This has been modified from SirGryphin's code for "Open in Goodreads" using ChatGPT.
Amazon Order Check JS - Show alert to avoid multiple order.
Show ratings JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo,,, Wikipedia (en),, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide,,, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork,, TVnfo,, GOG, Epic Games Store,
Amazon Kindle FixedLayout Message JS - Show message for fixedlayout.
アマゾンポチと入れさせないやつ JS - 「#アマゾンポチ と入れて@返信でカートに追加・後で買う」「@amazonJPさんから」を消す
Amazon - Hide delivered items from open orders JS - Hides all delivered items from your open orders.
Amalib_TDU JS - 東京電機大学の図書館とAmazonの検索をリンク
Show ratings (Safari) JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies),, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo,,, Wikipedia (en),, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide,,, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork,, TVNfo,
Show Rottentomatoes meter JS - Show Rotten Tomatoes score on,,, BoxOfficeMojo,, Amazon, Google Play,, Wikipedia,,,,,,,,
Amazon - Show absolute review numbers JS - Adds the number of reviews to each rating separately
Translate Amazon a little JS - try to take over the world!
Amazon video skip ads JS - Automatically skip ad by Amazon video.
Amazon short url JS - Replaces the current Amazon product URL in the address bar with a shorter version.
Prime Video episode sysnopsis remover JS - Remove Episode Synopsis on
Amazon - Highlight resellers JS - See instantly if the product really comes from Amazon or from a reseller
Show Letterboxd rating JS - Show Letterboxd rating on,,, BoxOfficeMojo, Amazon, Google Play,, Wikipedia,,,,
Prevent OBJECT Insertion JS - To avoid a problem of Amazon, maybe. See Bug 1172205.
AmazonBot JS - Five demands, not one less
amzOrderHistoryFilter JS - You will be able to view your Amazon ( order history by month, and view and print receipts by month or year at a time.
MonMask14032020_trial JS - amazon全自動搶購
SoldBy - Reveal Sellers on Amazon JS - Shows name, country of origin and ratings for third party sellers on Amazon (and highlights Chinese sellers)
Auto skip intro on amazon prime videos JS - No need to manually click
Auto skip ads on amazon prime videos JS - No need to manually click
Helper to return of Kindle Unlimited loans JS - Help with the return of Kindle Unlimited loans in
Amazon Video ASIN Display JS - Show ASINs for episodes and movies/seasons on Amazon Prime Video
Amazon Video ASIN Display JS - Show ASINs for episodes and movies/seasons on Amazon Prime Video
Amazon Sponsored Item Remover JS - Remove Sponcored items from search result page on Amazon
Netflix Marathon (Pausable) JS - A configurable script that automatically skips recaps, intros, credits, and ads, and clicks "next episode" prompts on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, Starz, Disney+, and Hotstar. Customizable hotkey to pause/resume the auto-skipping functionality. Alt + N for settings.
amazon command JS - Amazonの商品検索画面で、Amazon.jpから販売される商品のみが検索結果に表示されるようになるボタンを追加します。
Amazon ReviewMeta JS - Analyze Amazon product reviews and filters out reviews that may be unnatural
amzShowOpenOrders JS - View "Open Orders" on
Amazon units converter JS - Convert Amazon units to normal units that all normal countries uses. It's check only 2 rows in a Specs table, so it's very perfomance-friendly.
hho-amazon-extension JS - amazon!
Jump to Another Music Service JS - Jump to Another Music Service.
Amazon - Open Channel Page from Offer Page JS - Amazon - Open Channel Page from Offer Page.
amazonReviewWall JS - View Amazon review images in a zoomable wall
Add Books from Amazon to Goodreads JS - 3/29/2022, 12:00:00 AM
Switch Music Service JS - Switch Music Service.
Amazon Smile Redirect JS - Always redirects links the domain
Amazon - Goodreads metadata JS - Shows the ratings from Goodreads on Amazon book pages
Wishlist Steal Deal Checker JS - A user script to check if the wishlist item has best price
PrimeVideoControlsEnhancer JS - Enhance Amazon Prime Video by adding volume control via mouse wheel and Picture-in-Picture mode.
Prime Video - Show Prime Content Only JS - Hide the purchase or rental sections on the Amazon Prime Video homepage.
Open in Goodreads JS - Adds a button to Amazon book pages to redirect to Goodreads page based on ASIN/ISBN
Amazon Redirect UK JS - Redirects Amazon sites to
Amazon Sponsored Products dimmer JS - Dims sponsored products on, based on
Simplify Amazon URLs JS - This script replaces Amazon URLs with a simple format:*/dp/[ASIN]
Auto hide next up card for Amazon Prime Video JS - Hide next up card and other obtrusive elements of Amazon Prime Video.
[BROKEN] Show Amazon Questions button + context menu JS - Creates a "Show questions" button for Amazon. Once clicked it opens a new tab of the questions.
Amazon eBook "Download & transfer via USB" easy device click JS - When downloading Amazon eBooks ("Content & Devices" -> "Books" -> "More actions" -> "Download & transfer via USB") you can now click in the whole box of the device instead of just the little radio button
Save Amazon Music playlist as JSON file JS - This script adds an export button at Amazon Music playlist pages
Amazon_Keepa_Sakura_Button JS - Add links to Keepa and Sakura Checker to the product screen.
Amazon Search Result Enhancer JS - Enhance Amazon search results by adding numbers, advertisement IDs, and Best Sellers Rank.
Amazon Description Checker with Snoopy JS - Checks Amazon product descriptions for prohibited words and formatting errors
Stream Skipper JS - skip intro and ending
Amazon Seller Product Price Loader JS - Optimized version to load Amazon product prices with customizable settings, minimized RAM usage, and UI.
Cover Downloader for Amazon JS - 获取亚马逊商品封面
Amazon Sponsored Content Dimmer JS - Oscurece parcialmente el contenido patrocinado en Amazon sin eliminarlo
Amazon Manga Downloader JS - Detecta y descarga imágenes de manga desde Amazon Kindle y el lector de manga en orden.
Amazon Manga Downloader (Imagenes) JS - Descargar imágenes de manga de Amazon Japón y lector manga
Amazon Manga Downloader (Imagenes) JS - Descargar imágenes de manga de Amazon Japón y lector manga
Amazon URL Shortener JS - Adds a button to copy the short link of Amazon products and optionally modifies the URL in the address bar
Roler's Bookmarklets JS - Various simple bookmarklets
Amazon Cart for quotation JS - Save time and improve the presentation of your Amazon quotes. This script eliminates clutter and ads from the cart, allowing you to generate clean and professional quotes in seconds.