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Stig's Art Grabr JS - Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
Open in Goodreads+ Anna's Archive and LibGen JS - Adds buttons to Amazon book pages to redirect to Goodreads, Anna's Archive, or LibGen search pages based on ASIN/ISBN-10/ISBN-13. This has been modified from SirGryphin's code for "Open in Goodreads" using ChatGPT.
Amazon short url JS - Replaces the current Amazon product URL in the address bar with a shorter version.
Netflix Marathon (Pausable) JS - A configurable script that automatically skips recaps, intros, credits, and ads, and clicks "next episode" prompts on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, Starz, Disney+, and Hotstar. Customizable hotkey to pause/resume the auto-skipping functionality. Alt + N for settings.
Amazon ReviewMeta JS - Analyze Amazon product reviews and filters out reviews that may be unnatural
Amazon - Goodreads metadata JS - Shows the ratings from Goodreads on Amazon book pages
Prime Video - Show Prime Content Only JS - Hide the purchase or rental sections on the Amazon Prime Video homepage.
Open in Goodreads JS - Adds a button to Amazon book pages to redirect to Goodreads page based on ASIN/ISBN
Amazon Redirect UK JS - Redirects Amazon sites to
Amazon Sponsored Products dimmer JS - Dims sponsored products on, based on
Simplify Amazon URLs JS - This script replaces Amazon URLs with a simple format:*/dp/[ASIN]
Auto hide next up card for Amazon Prime Video JS - Hide next up card and other obtrusive elements of Amazon Prime Video.
[BROKEN] Show Amazon Questions button + context menu JS - Creates a "Show questions" button for Amazon. Once clicked it opens a new tab of the questions.
Amazon eBook "Download & transfer via USB" easy device click JS - When downloading Amazon eBooks ("Content & Devices" -> "Books" -> "More actions" -> "Download & transfer via USB") you can now click in the whole box of the device instead of just the little radio button
Save Amazon Music playlist as JSON file JS - This script adds an export button at Amazon Music playlist pages
Amazon Description Checker with Snoopy JS - Checks Amazon product descriptions for prohibited words and formatting errors
Stream Skipper JS - skip intro and ending
Amazon Seller Product Price Loader JS - Optimized version to load Amazon product prices with customizable settings, minimized RAM usage, and UI.
Amazon Sponsored Content Dimmer JS - Oscurece parcialmente el contenido patrocinado en Amazon sin eliminarlo
Amazon to Annas Archive JS - Enhances Amazon book pages by adding a direct link to search for the book on Annas Archive. The link appears next to the reviews, providing a convenient way to find additional information and resources related to the book on Annas Archive.
Amazon URL Shortener JS - Adds a button to copy the short link of Amazon products and optionally modifies the URL in the address bar
Amazon Cart for quotation JS - Save time and improve the presentation of your Amazon quotes. This script eliminates clutter and ads from the cart, allowing you to generate clean and professional quotes in seconds.