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FanFictionNavigator JS - Mark and hide fanfics or authors
AO3: Fic's Style, Blacklist, Bookmarks JS - Change font, size, width and background of a work + blacklist: hide works that contain certains tags or text, have too many tags/fandoms/relations/chapters/words and other options + fullscreen reading mode + bookmarks: save the position you stopped reading a fic + number of words for each chapter and estimated reading time
ao3 secondary char&pairing filter JS - hides works if chosen tags are late in sequence
ao3 savior JS - Hide specified works on AO3
AO3 Floating Comment Box JS - Floating comment box for AO3
AO3 First Relationship Tag Filter JS - Hides works that don't have the relationship tag you're browsing as the first tag. Can be disabled when browsing other tags.
AO3: Kudosed and seen history JS - Highlight or hide works you kudosed/marked as seen.
ao3 hide crossovers JS - hides works with too many fandom tags
ao3 crossover savior JS - hide works with too many fandoms on the AO3
ao3 tweak formatting JS - quick tools for text formatting
AO3: Page Count JS - Displays AO3 works' word counts as the equivalent page count in traditionally published works.
AO3 Blocker JS - Fork of ao3 savior; blocks works based on certain conditions
ao3 Comment Assist JS - prompts you to leave a comment when you've already left kudos
AO3: [Wrangling] Mark Illegal Characters in Canonicals JS - Warns about any canonical tag that includes characters which should, per guidelines, be avoided. Checks on new tag, edit tag, search results, wrangle bins, and tag landing pages
AO3 FicTracker JS - Track your favorite, finished, to-read and disliked fanfics on AO3 with sync across devices. Customizable tags and highlights make it easy to manage and spot your tracked works. Full UI customization on the preferences page.
ao3 hide some tags JS - Auto hide some tags you don't like to see
AO3: Kudos/hits ratio JS - Replace hitcount with kudos/hits percentage. Sort works on the page by this ratio.
AO3: Tracking JS - Track any filterable listing.
AO3: highlight tags JS - Configure tags to be highlighted with different colors - please install V2 of this script instead
GetRec'd: AO3 JS - adds recommendations to
ao3 tags savior JS - hide works with too many tags on the AO3
ao3 clone subscribe button JS - recreate subscribe button at end of works
ao3 menu items JS - add more options to dropdown
ao3 hide certain tags JS - suppress tags that aren't capitalized
ao3 series collapser JS - collapse works that are later than part 1 of a series
drabble judgment JS - is that thing tagged drabble actually a drabble
ao3 work block JS - permanently hide selected works
ao3 download buttons JS - Adds download buttons to each work blurb on AO3's works index pages.
ao3 personal hellban JS - Hide comments and kudos from specified users and/or guests
ao3 saved filters JS - Adds fields for persistent global & fandom filters to works index pages on AO3
ao3 work form autofill JS - Auto-populates AO3 new work/chapter form with test data
Story Width for Fan Fiction Sites JS - A small, simple script that changes the CSS of a variety of fan fiction sites so that the viewing width of the story is changed to the prefered width.
ao3 relationship savior JS - hide works with too many relationships on the AO3
AO3: Display Tag ID JS - a quick and dirty script to display a canonical tag's tag id in its /works page.
AO3: [Wrangling] Tag Comments Button + Iconify JS - Adds a comment buttons plus optional iconify
AO3-navigate-arrows JS - Arrow Keys used to navigate chapters
AO3: Comment Formatting Options JS - Adds interface to comments to easily insert formatting options in HTML
Ao3 Hide All Crossovers - Unofficial JS - Filter out all crossovers on Ao3.
Ao3 Show Only Crossovers - Unofficial JS - Filter out things that aren't crossovers on Ao3.
AO3: Links to First and Last Chapter JS - Add links to first and last chapter to AO3.
AO3: Links to Last Chapter and Entire Works JS - Add links to last chapter and entire works right after title of story.
AO3: Links for Entire Works JS - Add links to next and previous chapter to Entire Works of AO3.
AO3: strip empty paragraphs JS - Strip empty paragraphs from works on Archive of Our Own
AO3: Reorder Fandoms by Size JS - Sorts fandoms by no. of works on AO3's fandoms list.
AO3: Kudos/average hits per chapter ratio JS - Replace hitcount with kudos/average hits per chapter percentage. Sort works on the page by this ratio.
AO3: Tag Hider JS - Hide tags automatically when there are too many tags. Add hide/show tags button to browsing page and reading page.
AO3: Bookmarks/Kudos ratio, or 'How likely you are to enjoy a fic.' JS - Replace hitcount with bookmarks/kudos percentage. Sort works on the page by this ratio.
AO3 Review + Last Chapter Shortcut + Kudos-sortable Bookmarks JS - Adds shortcuts for last chapter and a floaty review box, sorts bookmarks by kudos (slow) and allows filter by complete only, download link to listing
AO3: Go to Comments JS - When clicking Comments button, jump to Comments section automatically.
Ao3 Only Show Primary Pairing JS - Hides works where specified pairing isn't the first listed.
Ao3 Show every pairing except THAT one JS - Hides works by one particular ship.
AO3: Quality score (Adjusted Kudos/Hits ratio) JS - Uses the kudos/hits ratio, number of chapters, and statistical evaluation to score and sort AO3 works.
Lithp Replather JS - For making fics that type out lisps a little more bearable
Archive of Our Own: Dark Mode JS - A dark mode for users without an account.
AO3 Fix Paragraph Spacing JS - Removes excessive spacing between paragraphs on AO3.
AO3 Hide Images JS - Hides images from AO3 works and summaries.
AO3 Hide Author's Notes JS - Hides all author's notes on AO3 works.
Change AO3 "Kudos" button text to "Glory" JS - Change the button text from "Kudos" to "Glory"; inspired by tumblr post
AO3: Estimated reading time JS - Add an estimated reading time to a fic description.
Remove leading spaces in AO3 JS - Removes the leading indents for paragraphs in AO3 works.
AO3 author+tags quick-search JS - Generates quick links from AO3 fics to more by the same author in the same fandom (or character/pairing/any other tag).
Archive Of Our Own - Highlight tagset tags on hover CSS - Highlights tags in tagsets when you hover over them.
Archive Of Our Own - Change separator between tags CSS - Changes the separator between tags to something more noticeable.
ao3 no rekudos JS - hide kudos button if you've already left kudos
AO3: Tag Word Cloud JS - Change font size of words of AO3 tags according to the word frequency in each chapter or entire works.
AO3: Add gifs to comments JS - Add a gif to a comment on AO3
AO3 Exchange Request Cut JS - Automatically collapses exchange request details
AO3: Full Navigation Bar JS - Adds full navigation bar to AO3.
AO3-navigate-arrows JS - Arrow Keys used to navigate chapters
Arrow Keys: Next/Prev Chapter JS - Arrow Key Keyboard shortcuts for Multiple Sites (next/prev chapter)
AO3: Estimated Reading Time v2 JS - Add an estimated reading time to a fic description in hours and minutes.
AO3 Review + Last Chapter Shortcut + Kudos-sortable Bookmarks JS - Adds shortcuts for last chapter and a floaty review box, and bookmark sorting by kudos and filtering by complete only. This script is maintained by Fangirlishness with permission from saxamaphone.
AO3 Browsing Notes JS - Userscript for notes that appear next to works when you're browsing AO3
Smooth Scrolling JS - Smoothly scrolls the page when a button is held
AO3 Profile Fandom Hider JS - Hides fandoms you don't want to see in your description. Type in your username/fandom to use
AO3: highlight tags V2 JS - Configure tags to be highlighted with different colors
AO3: highlight author fandoms JS - Highlight favourite fandoms in user page
AO3: highlight author fandoms CONFIG JS - Config script for AO3 fandom highlighter
Put Marked for Later Button on AO3 Home JS - Puts the "Marked for Later" button on the home page of AO3.
ao3 rekudos converter JS - automatically comment on a fic when you've already left kudos
AO3 Google Docs Italics Bug Fixer JS - Adds button to AOOO's editor. Click on it in order to auto-fix the Google Docs import space bug.
How many times does this character show up in this fic? JS - count instances of a term or terms in works from AO3 search pages
AO3 Post New Work EN/CN 发布新作品页面中文翻译 JS - Adding additional information in CN on Post New Work web page.
AO3 Exchange requests' names link to their profiles JS - adds linked names to requests
AO3 Collection Exchange Assignment Notes JS - Free text notes next to each assignment
ao3 hide bookmarks JS - permanently hide bookmarks created by specified users
AO3: [Wrangling] n-in-1 Wrangling Home Filter(s) JS - have different categories of wrangling home filters
AO3: [Wrangling] Character Counter when Creating New Tags JS - find out how long your tag is right as you put it in
Show/hide only comments by fic author (AO3) JS - Adds a button to toggle if commenters other than the author are visible
AO3: Set Default Posting Language JS - Sets English as the default language to post works to Archive of Our Own.
Add AO3 Mark for Later Button to works list JS - Puts the "Marked for Later" button in a fic blurb when browsing AO3.
AO3 Language Blocker JS - Only shows AO3 works that are in certain languages.
AO3: [Wrangling] Edit Tag buttons on inbox comments JS - add a button to the tag edit page next to the Reply button
AO3: Add Confirmation before Posting Works JS - Adds a confirmation to the "Post" button on Archive of Our Own.
AO3: [Wrangling] Direct Links on Unassigned Fandoms Page JS - Changes links on the unassigned fandom page to go to the All Characters bin directly
AO3: [Wrangling] Wrangling Page Info Box JS - Adds a customisable info box to the wrangling edit page
AO3: Strip Work's Empty Paragraphs JS - Strip empty paragraphs on Archive of Our Own fics
AO3: Add Paragraph Breaks JS - Convert line breaks to paragraphs on Archive of our Own fics
Put "Download CSV" Button in AO3 Prompt Memes JS - Puts a "Download as CSV" button on the Prompts page of AO3 Prompt Memes.