Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
AtCoder Submission Status JS - This script shows submission's statuses clearly!
AtCoder Profile2Ranking Link JS - link the profile page to the ranking of country/region, birth year, and affiliation
AtCoder - You're top X% (only for algorithm ranking) JS - Displays your approximate ranking percentile among all active AtCoder users on your profile page.
AtCoderRatingTweet JS - ja
NewAtcoderRatingTweet JS - ja
AtCoderColouringDifference JS - Color difference values of AtCoder's gradebook
ac-score-table-ja JS - AtCoder(の日本語版で配点表を表示します.
AtCoder dos2unix UserScript JS - submit code using LF instead of CRLF
AtCoder Twitter Avatar JS - Display Twitter avatar on AtCoder user page
AtCoderBackGroundColorizer JS - Colorize background of AtCoder with your favorite color.
atcoder-bell JS - Ring a bell when AtCoder finishes judge
atcoder-problem-navigator JS - Shows a navigation bar on AtCoder and Codeforces contest pages for jumping to problems.
CalmAtCoder JS - Delete the timer on AtCoder in order to keep calm during the contests.
AtCoder Print Task Copy JS - Add copy buttons to tasks_print page.
atcoder-refactor JS - Rewrites variable names in AtCoder problem statements.
AtCoder Fav Rating JS - You can check your fav's rating for AtCoder!
AtCoderDevotionScript JS - Write contestID and problem to the clipboard
atcoder-standings-lang JS - AtCoder の順位表に最多提出言語を追加します.u###gi6111 さん作のスクリプトが元ネタです.
View All Editorials JS - View all editorials of the AtCoder contest in one page.
ac-diff-reversal-notifier JS - AtCoderのコンテストにおいて前の問題より後ろの問題の正解者が多い時に通知します
AtCoder Bookmarks JS - try to take over the world!
sample erase JS - サンプルを消します
AtCoder Auto Pager JS - Support finding a page on AtCoder standings
perf on standings JS - display performance color on the standings
AtCoder Theme: Solarized Dark JS - Solarized Dark
AtCoder Judge Status to Title Bar JS - Display AtCoder's judge status to a title bar
HighlightAtCoderContestNot2100 JS - highlight in red AtCoder rated contests whose start time is not 21:00.
Grayscale AtCoder JS - Change images in AtCoder to grayscale with mouse over.
AtCoder Standings Watcher JS - Watch standings and notify your friends' movements
mod noticer JS - modを取る必要がありそうだったら教えてくれます!嬉しいね(うれしいので) ソースコード内で通知位置の設定が可能です!
Check Constraints JS - Add checkboxes to constraints of an AtCoder problem.
AtCoderHideScore JS - Hide the score section of a task statement on AtCoder.
atcoder-tasks-dropdown-menu-colorizer JS - Applies the same coloring as the atcoder-tasks-page-colorizer in the drop-down menu of tasks added by Comfortable AtCoder.
AtCoder Problem Buttons JS - 問題選択を簡単に行うことができるボタンを追加します
AtCoder Difficulty Displayを自分用に変更したやつ JS - AtCoder Problemsの難易度を表示します。
AtCoder Formatter JS - Add formatting buttons to source codes on AtCoder.
Atcoder to Luogu JS - 在 AT 题目界面显示两个通往洛谷该题目的题面 / 题解的按钮
Atcoder All Tasks JS - Adds a button which opens all the tasks in an atcoder contest. Saves loads of time!
AtCoder Hide Virtual Standings Tab JS - Hide the "Virtual Standings" tab on the AtCoder task page.
AtCoder Add Submissions Shortcuts JS - Add links to the AtCoder task page that open a list of submissions for the current task with custom filters applied.
AtCoder Style Optimizer for Single Display JS - Overrides AtCoder styles for single display
AtCoder Companions Quick Jump JS - AtCoder CompanionsでCompanionsを探すためのボタンを提出画面に追加します。
AtCoder Copy Contest ID JS - Add a button to copy the contest ID to the clipboard in AtCoder contest pages
AtCoder Crouch Start JS - Add a link to problem A on upcoming AtCoder contest pages
AtCoder Better Font JS - Make fonts on AtCoder more readable
AtCoder Listing Tasks JS - Click on the "Tasks" tab to open a drop-down list that takes you to the page for each problem in the contest.
AtCoder Add link to Problems JS - Add links to AtCoder Problems Userpage on AtCoder profile.
Misskey share button for AtCoder JS - Add misskey share button
Codeforces Modern Design JS - A modern UI redesign for Codeforces platform
AtCoder Non-Participant Hider JS - Add a filter to hide non-participants from favs only standings table on AtCoder.
AtCoder Solve Declaration JS - 問題文の隣にツイートするボタンを表示します。
AtCoder Ace Editor Editorial JS - AtCoderの解説をAce Editorに変換します
Better atcoder friend problemset JS - Show friend's accepted submissions.
Hide Solutions JS - Hide the link to solutions on Luogu and Atcoder
Colorful AC JS - Some computer programming website's AC are in color!
Style Fixes for AtCoder JS - Forced attempt to fix style issues on the AtCoder web pages.
AtCoder Center Your Standing JS - Displays the standings page centered around your rank by default in AtCoder contests.
spoiled competitive programming JS - Parse AtCoder problem statement into sections
auto click AtCoder clock once on page load JS - to hide the clock
AtCoder quickly check fastest codes JS - Add buttons on My Submissions page to view the fastest C++ submissions of the problem you submitted.
Editorials Dropdown for AtCoder JS - Add a drop-down list next to the editorial buttons on AtCoder problem pages.
AtCoder-RedirectRecentABC JS - The tools to redirect the recent AtCoder Beginner Contest.
Atcoder Submission Shortcut JS - Ctrl + Shift + Enter で提出できるようにする
AtCoder Customize Panel Fix JS - keep customize panel open when reloading standings page
TODO Problem Manager JS - Save TODO Problems for CF, QOJ, and AtCoder
AtCoder Standings AC Time Formatter JS - AtCoderのコンテスト順位表に表示されるAC時間を "Dd H:MM:SS" にフォーマットする
AtCoder Show R###lt JS - check and show AC
AtCoder Submission Notes JS - Add notes to AtCoder submissions