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JIRA templates JS - Allows saving JIRA issue descriptions and comments for reuse.
Confluence - Open editor inside main view (keep sidebar) JS - Open editor inside main view when creating and editing pages (known bug: when page creation requires multiple steps, the resulting page will be opened without the page tree)
Confluence - remember opened branches in pagetree JS - Confluence does not remember which branches of the pagetree you opened - this script records the opened and closed branches in LocalStorage and restores them on page change, reload or on other tabs/windows
Toggl-Button Jira JS - Toggle button for Jira
Add Story Points to Jira Dashboard JS - Add the story points to the "Two Dimensional Filter Statistics" dashboard gadget. You can not add custom external gadgets to Jira cloud. This works around the issue. See also
jiracalc JS - atlassian jira storypoint calculator
Jira Agile issue print style JS - Add css styles to make printing issues from Jira
Jira Uncheck bulk edit emailer JS - Uncheck the "Send mail for this update" on the Jira Bulk Edit screen.
Jira Workflow transitioner shortcuts JS - Shortcut keys of > and < to trigger first two options in workflow transition.
Jira Hide unused bulk edit fields JS - Hide fields from Bulk Edit screen that are not usually bulk edited
Navigate Jira Issues on Swimlanes with Cmd/Ctrl Up / Down JS - Navigate between open issues on the Jira current sprint with y (up) and n (down). Add shift to jump to first or last.
JIRA Cloud Quick Add Sub-Tasks JS - Quickly add subtasks to a JIRA Task
Shorten BitBucket commit message on JIRA JS - Hides everything but the first line of a commit message
Jira: helper JS - features: 1. copy issue key and title for creating git branch
Jira auto JS - Reload page every minute and scrolls down the page in the meanwhile
set default description template for jira issue JS - Just a simple util to to make submitting bug easier
Jira board presentation mode JS - Add presentation mode for the JIRA rapid board for use of casting to TV through a phone. Work in progress.
Confluence Auto Numbered Headings JS - Adds numbered headings button to the page editor in Atlassian Confluence. Based on work by Markus Jenu at
Atlassian Jira RapidBoard Planning Story Points Total JS - Sums up all the story points on the "planning" view of a Jira project's RapidBoard (i.e. Backlog) .
Jira Mingle JS - Adds border color based on project color.
Jira-CopyTitle JS - Adds a "Copy Task Title" button to the right of the "Workflow" dropdown in Jira.
Atlassian JIRA - Cleaner Rapid Board JS - 2020/06/17 12:00:00
jira-use-whole-page-width JS - Make jira use whole width to make comments wider on issue view
Atlassian Jira Add Copy Title Action JS - Copy issue code & title .
Click to Not Edit JS - Prevents click-to-edit in JIRA (matches JIRA Cloud URLs by default)
AUTO Show Assignee field in JIRA Create Linked Issue JS - Show Assignee field in the JIRA modal window of Create Linked Issue
JIRA Auto Hide Epic Tasks that are Completed JS - Auto Hide Epic Tasks that are Completed in JIRA in the Epic View
Jira JS - redirect
JiraRice JS - redirect
Disable Skidrow reloaded games' ads JS - disable ads of the Skidrow reloaded games' web
Copy Jira Issue ID JS - Adds a copy button alongside the "Copy link" button that copies the ticket ID to your clipboard.
Unfold Jira quickfilters JS - Unfolds Jira quickfilters in Kanban view
Jira Condensed JS - Makes Jira board more condensed
Jira - Toggle columns JS - Collapse Jira swimlane columns upon click
JIRA Open link in new JS - Adds target="_blank" to any links within a card's text description
JIRA Board Epic Filter JS - Helper functions to only see one epic at a time on the board
JIRA Create Branch Name JS - Adds a shortcut to create a branch name from a ticket and adds it to the clipboard. Usage: [Control] + [Alt] + Click on a ticket on the board.
JIRA Cloud JS - Re-theming script for JIRA Cloud
jira-issue-navigate JS - Go to the next/prev issue using buttons
Jira External Links Target _blank JS - Makes all external links in Jira issues have target="_blank" so that they open in a new tab/window
JIRA view issue sidebar show/hide JS - Show/hide sidebar on issue view
Copy Jira Issue link as markdown JS - Adds a copy button alongside the "Copy link" button that copies the ticket link as a markdown to your clipboard.
Backlog Styling JS - Styles the ticket status in our backlog.
Disable editing Jira's task on click JS - Disable clicking on JIRA tasks to update description
Número de tarefas nos quadros do jira JS - Show the number of cards in a Jira Column
Jira click to edit disabled JS - disables jira click to edit feature
Get Branch Name JS - Uses ticket type and description to generate a branch name
Slim JIRA issue search JS - Adds a button to hide the JIRA issue browser
Jira open externals links in a new tab JS - Script for Jira to make externals links open in a new tab. #IHateJira
Make Jira's Issue Name Bar Fixed JS - Tested at 12/19/2022, 5:59:44 PM
Open Workflow for current Issue JS - Looks up the workflow for the currently opened Issue and opens it in a new tab
Jira touch scroll JS - Someone had to do it... Atlassian, please fix.
Close Jira Zoom Warning Toast JS - Atlassian builds stupid warnings and is unwilling to fix them. This script blocks the Zoom Warning alert when viewing Jira workflows on any modern OS.
Show overlapping groups in Confluence's space permisisons JS - what the name says
Jira Focus: Ticket Sidebar Remover JS - Enhance your Jira experience! This script removes all distractions (sidebars, navbar, upperbar, padding) while you're writing or editing a ticket. Just double press the Control key to toggle the focus mode on and off.
Jira New Tab Flow: Open Tickets in a New Tab, Not in Popup JS - Enhance your Jira experience open any clicked issue in a new tab
Jira Tweaks JS - Userscript adding some jira tweaks (for devs?)
Rename advanced JQL search in Jira menu JS - Atlassian likes to shittify their products. This unshittifies Jira a bit by renaming "Show all issues" back to "Advanced Issue Search" and removing the default JQL.
24 Hour Converter for Jira JS - Convert 12 hour time formats in Jira to a more sensible format
Jira History Comparison JS - View Jira History word by word
Admin URL Rewrite JS - Automatically updates admin links to point to the internal or external site depending on your settings.
Jira Copy Ticket JS - Adds a "Copy Ticket" button to copy the title and ticket link as rich text
Show customfield IDs in Jira screen editor JS - This enhances the JIra screen editor by also showing the field IDs in addition to the name as the name is not required to be unique.
Jira: Toggle right sidebar in tickets via keyboard shortcut JS - Hide/show the right sidebar with ticket details to maximize the content width. Toggle via keyboard "]".
Resolve audit log user IDs JS - This script calls the Jira user API, resolves user IDs in the Jira audit log and replaces them with the display names.
Confluence SideBar JS - Remove Confluence SideBar crap
Jira Backlog Enhancements JS - Collapse/Expand all buttons, filter by sprint name
Jira history diff JS - Highliht diff in Jira issue history.
Save vertical space for Jira list JS - Save vertical space for Jira list.
JiraCloudNoPlansTab JS - Remove the "Plans" menu in the header of Jira Cloud
Free Atlassian Jira JS - Removes annoying "buy premium window"
Jira Cloud: Copy suggested Git branch name to Clipboard JS - Adds a button to Jira Cloud that copies the suggested Git branch name to the clipboard.
Jira Backlog Order JS - Insert temporary backlog ordering numbers on the items within a sprint.
Show all Jira Cloud comments (and more) JS - Clicks all 'View ... remaining ...' buttons. Works on Jira Cloud as of January 2025. Inspired by (no external dependencies).