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Audible Wishlist search MAM JS - Add "MAM" button to Audible Wishlist
Audible Add "shelves" to the library JS - Adding a shelving system to Audibles Library
Audible search Torrents JS - Add "Search on MAM/AudioBookBay/TGx/etc" links to Audible page
MAM Audible Upload JS - Adds button to copy audiobook data as json to Audible page and opens MAM upload
Audible Virtual Voice Remover JS - Remove Virtual Voice from's browsing pages.
Copy Audible book info for Mobilism JS - Format Audible book information for posting on Mobilism and copy to clipboard
Audible search MAM JS - Add "Search MAM" links to Audible
Audible Search Hub JS - Add various search links to Audible (MyAnonaMouse, AudioBookBay, Mobilism, Goodreads, Anna's Archive, Z-Library & more)
Audible Search Marketplaces JS - Add links to all Amazon marketplaces, highlighting free ones
Audible to MAM JSON Converter (Full API Version) JS - Complete API-based solution with full metadata cleaning, category mapping, and MAM search
myautonamouse JS - Scan your kindle or audible library and check if any are missing from myanonamouse database
Audible HQ Cover JS - Full-res cover images on Audible, with 'open' and 'download' actions.
Audible MAM Checker & Manager JS - Check if Audible books are in the MAM database with match management and persistence